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Quitting and $$$


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I am in a science oriented field and have gotten several research grants for fieldwork for summer 2012. I just completed my first year and I'm seriously considering leaving, mostly because of the lack of funding and tuition is astronomical. Additionally, I need to step back and collect myself to decide if academia is what I want, right now I don't think it is. I will probably end up leaving with my MA in May 2012.

So...what to do with the money for fieldwork slated for summer 2012?? I have already spent some funds last year for some field equipment. Basically, I am worried that if I do not go to the field the granting agencies will want me to reimburse them for the money I spent on field equipment. Can they do that? I never signed anything saying this would be the case...

I am keeping my leaving hush hush as of now so consulting my adviser and the granting institutions really is not an option right now.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you!

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