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Anyone else feeling negative?


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It's strange checking the results page, because on one hand I want to see something, but on the other, I certainly don't as that would mean other people got in and I didn't!

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It's strange checking the results page, because on one hand I want to see something, but on the other, I certainly don't as that would mean other people got in and I didn't!

Exactly. But , I'm driving myself crazy playing out every conceivable (and inconceivable) scenario in my head. To the point where I think having been 100% (implicitly or otherwise) rejected would be better. Of course, don't hold me to that when results start coming in!

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I did this. I moved to Boston with $200 to my name, am currently auditing classes in my dream dept., etc.

How did you DO that?! I moved to Boston and had to live off savings for two months until I found enough work to support myself, I could never have done it with $200! If you move in with friends or an SO and don't pay rent, or move with a job offer in hand, that would change things, though.

This is kind of what my backup plan is, though: stay here working for peanuts and eating Ramen, and do night courses at one of the local schools. I actually really liked this backup plan until I started seeing financial cuts start in my industry - I'm the lowest on the employee food chain and it's already affecting me personally, which is making me nervous enough that grad school is starting to look like more stable employment. You know it's sad when you're saying THAT.

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How did you DO that?! I moved to Boston and had to live off savings for two months until I found enough work to support myself,

It was a mixture of being a creative and a mooch. I paid a deposit for a room on a campus partnered with my school (my school didn't have dorms), where I stayed until I got a really crappy job to pay the bills. Then I slept on a friend's floor on a futon mattress for a couple months while writing my M.A. thesis, saved enough money to go to Israel for the summer, and came back and did it all over again. I now have a decent-paying job and share a triple-decker, but for awhile there...it was certainly rough.

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