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Too late to contact Profs?

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Because I have been obsessively revising my list of intended schools for months, I have decided to include one more application (Rutgers, for those interested); however, I'd like to reach out to some professors in my area of study to get a feel for the program, but worry that it's too late to do so (they may be busy with fall semester work) or that I'll look like an awful procrastinaor in their eyes. Should I do it anyway? Or rely on my own research?

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If you really want to reach out to them, do it. It is not too late in the semester where they would be overwhelmed just yet. I would recommend that, if you do decide to reach out to them, then you need to do it within the next week or two.

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So glad you posted this topic, cquin.

I just figured out that not only is it not intrusive but it is EXPECTED to contact POIs. So I'm contacting people over the next week, 2-3 a day. Do you think that even if the application deadline is Dec. 1st it's okay to contact them?

It just feels so awkward. I'm great about meeting and talking to people at conferences, but cold-emailing a scholar I admire? TERRIFYING. :(

Any advice? I was just going to contact one scholar per school--is that enough? What have other people done?

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I just figured out that not only is it not intrusive but it is EXPECTED to contact POIs.

I don't know...all the advice I've been given is that it's not expected to contact POIs, and that there's really no excuse to contact them unless you have a legitimate concern that only that particular person would be able to answer. Unlike the sciences, we're not necessarily applying to work with a single person (though that will, of course, happen eventually), and they're not going to discount your application for not contacting them. I would feel very uncomfortable coming to POIs with cold e-mails unless I knew for sure that they were the only person who could answer my question, which is why I haven't contacted any.

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I recently switched out one of my schools for another, so I'm also starting an app from scratch at this point. I'm trying to submit as many apps as I can this week but I'm still waiting on emails back from profs to see if they're accepting students, etc. I guess I should just send them in... Also, I'm glad when a department says they're going to contact me, but I also had a prof say I'm free to call him. scared of what to say :x

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I don't know...all the advice I've been given is that it's not expected to contact POIs, and that there's really no excuse to contact them unless you have a legitimate concern that only that particular person would be able to answer. Unlike the sciences, we're not necessarily applying to work with a single person (though that will, of course, happen eventually), and they're not going to discount your application for not contacting them. I would feel very uncomfortable coming to POIs with cold e-mails unless I knew for sure that they were the only person who could answer my question, which is why I haven't contacted any.

Huh. See, that's kind of what I thought too. But then I talked it over with my advisor (and DGS of my MA program) and she thought it's becoming expected for you to contact at least someone at each school you might want to work with.

But I hate it too. It feels so rude and intrusive. I've only sent one so far--for multiple reasons, including work-related--and it felt awkward as hell, even though I knew this scholar's work pretty well on my own. It doesn't help that I sent it almost 10 days ago and haven't heard anything back yet. :|

So you're not contacting anyone, bdon19? Are you just judging fit by what you see of the faculty's work and interests on the website? And how are you working that into your SOP?

Can it just be April 15th already please??!

Edited by bespeckled
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Also, I'm glad when a department says they're going to contact me, but I also had a prof say I'm free to call him. scared of what to say :x

Just do it! Prepare a list of questions before you call if you're nervous. That's what I did for my lone MA program application, and it worked fine. : )

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Huh. See, that's kind of what I thought too. But then I talked it over with my advisor (and DGS of my MA program) and she thought it's becoming expected for you to contact at least someone at each school you might want to work with.

But I hate it too. It feels so rude and intrusive. I've only sent one so far--for multiple reasons, including work-related--and it felt awkward as hell, even though I knew this scholar's work pretty well on my own. It doesn't help that I sent it almost 10 days ago and haven't heard anything back yet. :|

So you're not contacting anyone, bdon19? Are you just judging fit by what you see of the faculty's work and interests on the website? And how are you working that into your SOP?

Can it just be April 15th already please??!

I have been told the same thing by my LORs. They all encouraged me to contact people. Also, a friend of mine literally got into UT Austin because he made a connection with one of the ad comm people via email. Our professors encouraged him to try to connect with someone because he had a low gpa, low gre, and not so great letters of recommendation. Now he's at UT Austin....

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Oh, boy. Now I'm second-guessing myself. I don't know, I still just don't feel that comfortable contacting people for no better reason than basically just getting my name out there. I mean, I guess I understand how contacting people could ensure that various faculty members' interests will fit with mine, but I don't necessarily know how e-mailing them will do anything than my SOP can't, except for the slight chance that I will pique a certain person's interest. ...But then there's also that chance that I'll come across in the wrong way and actually negatively impact the impression I make on an ad comm member.

As I've been trying to get my stuff together for my applications, the most pressing questions I've had have been the types that I wouldn't ask an individual faculty member about but someone who works in the office. I guess I could always do it, but the idea of contacting someone at, say, Cornell, freaks the hell out of me.

I just don't know what to do! I feel like, at this point, contacting people will just add undue stress on me. But if it's really that important...?

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I also had a prof say I'm free to call him. scared of what to say :x

I ended up calling that prof, stuttering and all (jk), and he spent the better part of 40 minutes explaining the admissions process and told me about some huge fellowships that I had no idea about. He said that since I was proactive and contacting profs ahead of time, he would tell me info that other students wouldn't get to hear. He also said he would get in touch with the graduate program coordinator to keep an eye out for my application AND gave me some tips about loopholes to get my app looked at faster.

Def worth it!!

Edited by whirlpool4
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