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2012 Critical Language Scholarship


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Congratulations to everyone! I got to the next level for beginning Turkish. My letter didn't say anything about how many applied vs how many were moved on, so I'm kinda on pins and needles right now. :)

I the last line it stated the number of people who applied overall. Then on the website it states the number of people who usually make it to the next round. Finally I found the number of people who are accepted in the end from Wiki. However, there is no mention to how many by program moved on etc.

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Congratulations to everyone! I got to the next level for beginning Turkish. My letter didn't say anything about how many applied vs how many were moved on, so I'm kinda on pins and needles right now. :)

Congrats! I passed for beginning Turkish too! I'm a fourth year undergrad.

Does anyone know the demographic for CLS as far as Undergrad vs. Grad?

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Congratulations to those who passed onto the second round! I applied for the 2012 CLS in China, but unfortunately didn't make it. I was extremely disappointed at first, but this is just the motivation I needed to pump out the essays required for other scholarships. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Does anyone have any idea if it's possible to postpone your ticket back to the US if you'd like to do some travel or research other places before coming back?

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I applied for advanced beginning Persian. We'll see what happens! We're supposed to hear back by early March, right? Did last year's batch hear back any earlier than that?

hi blingem, I did this last summer and it was great! Dushanbe is an amazing place, you just have to be careful about what you eat, it's easy to get really sick. If you get accepted and have any questions, message me!

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Congrats! I passed for beginning Turkish too! I'm a fourth year undergrad.

Does anyone know the demographic for CLS as far as Undergrad vs. Grad?

I was looking at a list of students from an earlier year--looked to be about 3/4 undergrad, at least for Arabic.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I got intermediate/advanced Russian. There are institutes in Vladimir, Ufa, and Kazan. I guess I am hoping for Kazan because it is in Tatarstan. I would happy at any of the three locations since I have not spent time in any of the three cities.

It all might be moot, as it is looking like I will have to decline.

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Chosen as alternate to Beginning Korean....but I have far bigger concerns on my mind, i.e. the fate of my PhD History Applications this year. Still, I really tip my hat off to those who made the Korean CLS. I thought I had a pretty much unassailable application LOL, but I seriously think that a professional connection to the language means ever so slightly more than an academic one---and my entire application rested on the latter and not the former.

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  • 3 weeks later...

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