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What kind of work experience should I aim for?


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I've decided I want to pursue a master's in International Relations and would like to get into a top school. I finished my undergrad with a double major in Marketing and Journalism in September 2010 and worked at a marketing internship for 5 months. Since September of this year, however, I've been unemployed. Though I am applying to schools for Fall 2012, I know I have very little chance with my lack of work experience.

So I've been focusing on planning what I will do in the next 12 months to gain the experience I need. It's getting really hard sitting at home, so I want to get started as soon as possible.

Some of the things I've been applying to:

- Teaching English in China, Japan, or Korea for 4 months to a year.

- Volunteering in Morocco.

- Interning at a newspaper in China.

- Interning at the Carter Center

My career goal is to work as a foreign policy analyst for an NGO or for the government, with specialization in the Middle East (I grew up there). With all this in mind, what are some other suggestions people have? What kind of work experience bodes well for admission into a top school? What should I do right now to get on track?

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One question I have is: If you're interested in specializing in the Middle East, why are 3 out of 4 options you listed in East Asia and not the Middle East?

I'm really interested in East Asia too. But working in the ME would be better, for sure, because then I could learn Arabic.

Though it would take more than a year, I have met several people in grad school who were in the Peace Corps.

Peace Corps...hmm...it's a 27 month commitment. Anyone know of any reliable shorter term volunteer or internship abroad programs?

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You might also want to check out AMidEast - they work all over the Middle East and do teaching English programs in most of those.

Also - I'd suggest holding off on applying before you're ready, and use the $300/400 dollars you'd spend on applications to use to support yourself volunteering abroad.

Edited by fenderpete
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I would seek work experience that broadens and deepens the knowledge of the field you want to enter, and gives you practical experience in it. So the "best" work experience is entirely dependent on what you are interested in and want to do. Rather than approach it as "well, I want to get into grad school, so I should do X", I would suggest identifying what career path and goals you think grad school would help you achieve, and then try to get your feet wet in that general direction.

Lots of DC think tanks offer remote internships, where you can do research and whatnot for them regardless of where you are. Moving abroad for a paying job* while contributing to an organization in such a manner on your free time would be a good move, IMO.

Teaching English can be quite lucrative and allows you to do professionally interesting things in a foreign country.

Good luck, and keep at it!

Edited by MYRNIST
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