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YAY! Congrats, avee! What happens to our smoothie stand plans now?! :D

Well, we may still need to open this smoothie stand... we got plans. Thanks all!! I'm happy, and yet sad to say goodbye to the place I now call home. I guess I'll move along to the thread addressing the emotions regarding relocating...

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I was getting anxious and since I've been rejected from 3 of my 5 programs.... so I reached out to the chair of the admissions committee to one of the programs I havent heard from yet. I'd previously met with this professor (this program didn't do interviews but I met with them earilier).... luckily the prof said I'm still being considered for admissions even though they've sent their first round of acceptances already. That's hopeful news. Better than a rejection right? It's not a top 20 program but I honestly just want my PhD at this point (probably not the best mindset in many opinions).

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I was getting anxious and since I've been rejected from 3 of my 5 programs.... so I reached out to the chair of the admissions committee to one of the programs I havent heard from yet. I'd previously met with this professor (this program didn't do interviews but I met with them earilier).... luckily the prof said I'm still being considered for admissions even though they've sent their first round of acceptances already. That's hopeful news. Better than a rejection right? It's not a top 20 program but I honestly just want my PhD at this point (probably not the best mindset in many opinions).

You are in the boat I've been in for a long time. It's incredibly stressful and full of anxiety, but hang in there!

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For those who got accepted to Temple:

I got an email today from their admin. assistant saying I needed to submit a deposit by March 23 in order to secure my enrollment for the Fall. I still haven't received funding information from them, other than being told that I was "nominated for a university fellowship." No information since that original email about 3 weeks ago. Has anyone else received info about funding?

Or can anyone else chime in? I'm not going to pay this deposit unless I know I have funding and actually am attending. Could I lose my spot? I don't really have the spare $200 since I am already a poor graduate student..

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For those who got accepted to Temple:

I got an email today from their admin. assistant saying I needed to submit a deposit by March 23 in order to secure my enrollment for the Fall. I still haven't received funding information from them, other than being told that I was "nominated for a university fellowship." No information since that original email about 3 weeks ago. Has anyone else received info about funding?

Or can anyone else chime in? I'm not going to pay this deposit unless I know I have funding and actually am attending. Could I lose my spot? I don't really have the spare $200 since I am already a poor graduate student..

Got that e-mail as well. Very curious. I'm taking the oddly worded part about needing more time to ask for more time, specifically citing that they have not confirmed funding; also, I'm still making another visit. I was one of the ones who was there for the visit day on Friday and there was no talk then of having to decide by the 23rd or anything of that sort, though they did say they would probably hear about fellowships today or tomorrow and making departmental funding decisions after that. For what it's worth, they have to give us until April 15th per the guidelines the university signed with the CGS (http://www.cgsnet.org/ckfinder/userfiles/files/CGS_Resolution.pdf). I'm a little alarmed by this too and don't know yet if we'd actually lose our spot by not responding this week, but my gut feeling is that we'll be fine. I guess we'll see.

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Yeah I responded similarly and asked if there was any new information regarding funding available. No reply yet, but it's only been a few hours. From what you're saying, it sounds like we should have some more information by the end of the week.... This waiting for funding info bit is really testing my sanity.

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The committee just completed the process of selecting participants for the

summer 2012 REU program at The University of Texas at Austin, Population

Research Center. This was an unusually strong year for applications (over 120), and we

only have eight slots to offer. While the committee was impressed with your

application, you were not one of the eight students selected to receive an


We wish you the best of luck in your educational endeavors.



Lame. Oh well.

Edited by xdarthveganx
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about Temple:

Re: arandall and sociology476 their comittee is meeting tomorrow so maybe they're also seeing who would respond to today's e-mail and still have an interest in the program.... just a thought. But the 23rd is too soon...

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I still have not heard anything from Temple. I have another offer at New School that I need to confirm by 4/15/12 but Temple is my first choice. I saw that 2 people posted they were accepted into the PhD program on 2/28/12 so I emailed the coordiantor 3 weeks ago. Not a word. With all of this talk of major funding decisions being made I'm hoping I'll hear something, anything by tomorrow - next week at the absolute latest. I pretty much can't take this any more and am prepared to go into more debt to be done with this process and never have to take the GRE again!!!

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Try emailing the department and politely tell them that you have another acceptance with an April 15 deadline. However, since a lot of schools have that deadline (including Temple), I have a feeling they know people need to know and soon.

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I finally got the "no" from Temple because I reached out to a admin I've been in contact with....They haven't sent out official rejections yet... but up until the other day I was considered a "waitlist"...okay that's 4 out of my 5 schools (5th has also just been silent and is a women's studies program)... So looks like I'll be getting a job this year and trying again for Fall 2013... Guess I'll return to the forum next year. BYE!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes. After April 15, some spots will open up as people decline their offers, and waitlists begin to shift around. There's no guarantee, of course, because you don't know how many people will accept or reject that year. But it is possible to receive good news after April 15. :) Funding is a different story though...it might be more difficult to get it at that point, depending upon what types of funding were attached to the offers rejected by other applicants.

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Yes. After April 15, some spots will open up as people decline their offers, and waitlists begin to shift around. There's no guarantee, of course, because you don't know how many people will accept or reject that year. But it is possible to receive good news after April 15. :) Funding is a different story though...it might be more difficult to get it at that point, depending upon what types of funding were attached to the offers rejected by other applicants.

What if you had already accepted an offer elsewhere?

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I was told that you can back out of an offer after April 15. You ultimately need to do what's best for yourself, but you should let the school know as soon as possible if you decide to back out. It's a not fun situation and may create some tension, but it happens. There's a thread where I wrote the specific advice I was given. I think it's somewhere in Decisions, Decisions....called something like "what if a better offer comes along after the deadline?" there might be something useful in there for you.

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Thanks, @arandall.

Guys, where has the results page go? I can't seem to locate it.

It's not up top for me either. Maybe they're updating it and/or relocating it? Though, I'd imagine they're just trying to update it or something.

Edit: it's still on the homepage http://thegradcafe.com/survey/index.php

Edited by ThisSlumgullionIsSoVapid
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