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Maybe they had a ton of applicants and needed to get rid of some earlier?? Idk, but I haven't heard much from any schools besides not getting a TA interview at umass, which was my last choice, and waiting for a letter/telegram/noise from stony brook. I'm most curious about what's going on over at Maryland though..,

Seriously. MD is freakishly quiet, except for like one McNair acceptance and one romanticist or something. Ugh, why am I still so tense about all these schools?

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I haven't heard much from any schools besides not getting a TA interview at umass

I'm in the same boat! No call for UMass (yet?...), but still hanging on for Tufts. I'm hoping that since Tufts has a couple of Early Modern grad students that are supposed to graduate this year and one next year, my chances might go up. I just want good news from one school so I can 1. be ecstatic and 2. get everything squared away for my graduation this year from undergrad.

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Despite the fact that I'm not expecting an acceptance, I'm kind of terrified by the thought of getting one via a phone call. I would have absolutely no clue what to say, and I imagine I would come across as such an idiot that they would immediately revoke the offer anyway. I would probably either scream something like, "Really?! You really want me?! Are you sure?" or else I would be completely silent with shock. Perhaps it's best if I don't answer my phone at all over the next few weeks.

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Despite the fact that I'm not expecting an acceptance, I'm kind of terrified by the thought of getting one via a phone call. I would have absolutely no clue what to say, and I imagine I would come across as such an idiot that they would immediately revoke the offer anyway. I would probably either scream something like, "Really?! You really want me?! Are you sure?" or else I would be completely silent with shock. Perhaps it's best if I don't answer my phone at all over the next few weeks.


I have a feeling "Oh my god, are you kidding me?!?" is probably not the most appropriate response. If I were to get such a call, I would probably let the POI or DGS do most of the talking. Safer all around.

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Well, I no longer have to worry about the phone call, as I checked the website this morning (prompted by the first poster this morning on the results page), and saw that it had updated this morning. First rejection (it was a nice letter, at least), but that's okay! I still have plenty of schools to be anxious about. :)

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Still no decision posted here. :wacko: Guess I'm still in the running. Sorry to hear you guys are out of it. This is nerve wracking how they're doing it little by little... and incomprehensible. Maybe they're reviewing by genre/need? And maybe they haven't gotten to the African-Americanists yet? Huh. At any rate... whew.

Edited by TripWillis
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In the last two years, there were 7 rejections posted for Tufts in each year. For 2012, there are currently 6. If the results board is an in-proportion sampling size to real life, this might mean they've REALLY winnowed things down now... Ugh, I can't think about this stuff. I have papers to grade. Edit: Now there are 8.

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On 2/13/2012 at 10:57 AM, Silent_G said:

Oh man, I just about had a heart attack when I saw all those rejections. But still no decision for me. Fingers permanently crossed.

Awesome that you're still in it, Silent G! Good luck down the stretch!

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Oh man, I just about had a heart attack when I saw all those Tufts rejections. But still no decision for me. Fingers permanently crossed.

I don't know who could reject a face that cute. You should put your avatar on all your application materials.

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On 2/13/2012 at 11:01 AM, Grunty DaGnome said:

I don't know who could reject a face that cute. You should put your avatar on all your application materials.

Ha! What a great idea! The app management system has a place to upload a photo. Dare I try it?

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Now it's up to ten! Geez. Not mine though. Still empty. Getting tense is right.

I think one of those is a double post. Still, only 6 or 7 posted in previous years, so I feel like this could be a good sign... then again, maybe they're just waiting until later in the month to stomp on our hearts.

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I think one of those is a double post. Still, only 6 or 7 posted in previous years, so I feel like this could be a good sign... then again, maybe they're just waiting until later in the month to stomp on our hearts.

As far as I'm concerned, we're still in this!!

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