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So much for "shortly." Clearly the AdCom and I have a different interpretation of the word. Why couldn't they have said "soon"? It would still have been annoyingly vague, but it has a less immediate connotation.

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Someone posted a rejection this morning. I checked my app and there is no decision posted yet. Hanging in there I guess! I wonder if this fits into my ludicrous theory about the e-mails...

i had an email but i don't have a decision. who the hell knows anymore!

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i did get the email though, and no decision! so weird.

I got the e-mail as well, and no decision yet. I've decided that the reason why is that they are waiting to post online until it's more likely that I've received my acceptance packet in the mail... ^_^

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I got the e-mail as well, and no decision yet. I've decided that the reason why is that they are waiting to post online until it's more likely that I've received my acceptance packet in the mail... ^_^

Haha! Okay, I'll go with that. I could certainly use some cheering up.

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Hi all! I have sources in the Tufts English Dept and I found out that they (the people who pick grad students), did NOT send that email. It is probably from the grad school, and it means NOTHING! General info: some people have been rejected, but most decisions on acceptance will be made in late Feb or early March; accepted candidates will hear by phone, and then will get a letter. Again, the email means NOTHING! Do not freak.

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Hi all! I have sources in the Tufts English Dept and I found out that they (the people who pick grad students), did NOT send that email. It is probably from the grad school, and it means NOTHING! General info: some people have been rejected, but most decisions on acceptance will be made in late Feb or early March; accepted candidates will hear by phone, and then will get a letter. Again, the email means NOTHING! Do not freak.

Thanks for the info! Now I can stop thinking about Tufts for a little while and focus on Davis, Rutgers, and Maryland.

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Hi all! I have sources in the Tufts English Dept and I found out that they (the people who pick grad students), did NOT send that email. It is probably from the grad school, and it means NOTHING! General info: some people have been rejected, but most decisions on acceptance will be made in late Feb or early March; accepted candidates will hear by phone, and then will get a letter. Again, the email means NOTHING! Do not freak.

Thank you! That helps considerably. Now I just need to make myself stop checking the website. I do wish I could fast forward to that point in time where I've heard back from at least one school. This waiting is driving me nuts.

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Not me, but hoping it was a early call bc of the fellowship.

After some results board investigation, it appears that whoever wins the provost fellowship always gets an early mid-february call. We will all have to wait until at least 02/25. HOWEVER, I also noted that Tufts does not usually reject this early; they usually don't reject until early March, so that makes me feel much better about the chances of those of us still in this thing. Hmm... well, okay, so I guess don't stay chained to your phone; we probably still won't know anything til 02/25. siiighhh

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Maybe they had a ton of applicants and needed to get rid of some earlier?? Idk, but I haven't heard much from any schools besides not getting a TA interview at umass, which was my last choice, and waiting for a letter/telegram/noise from stony brook. I'm most curious about what's going on over at Maryland though..,

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