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Wait listing is NOT the end!

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How would you guys explain this sentence in my Rutgers waitlist email? "Our wait list is ranked both absolutely and by field; your name is close to the top."

I imagine that it works like this: If an African-Americanist declines, they go to the field; if the field person declines, they go to the absolute list. Do you think this is right? Or is it something else?

I'm picturing something like this:

1. Victorian Scholar A

2. Early Modern Person A

3. African Americanist A (me, hopefully)

4. British Modernist A

5. Shakespeare Person A


6. Victorian Scholar B

7. Early Modern Person B

8. African Americanist B

etc., etc. etc.

Then I picture an African Americanist declining and them picking African Americanist A. If A declines, B. If B declines, start at the very top of the list and go down until someone accepts, regardless of field. So, if I'm AA B, then I need to hope that both African Americanists decline, OR that the waitlisted AA declines, OR that it works so far down the absolute waitlist that it reaches me. But since he said I'm "close to the top," I'm going to assume that I'm in the first tier of "by-field" candidates. Here's hoping I just need one AA decline to get in.

Okay, the whole hypothetical system I just worked out here is proof that I'm totally obsessed and need to go lie down.

Edited by TripWillis
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How would you guys explain this sentence in my Rutgers waitlist email? "Our wait list is ranked both absolutely and by field; your name is close to the top."

I imagine that it works like this: If an African-Americanist declines, they go to the field; if the field person declines, they go to the absolute list. Do you think this is right? Or is it something else?

I'm picturing something like this:

1. Victorian Scholar A

2. Early Modern Person A

3. African Americanist A (me, hopefully)

4. British Modernist A

5. Shakespeare Person A


6. Victorian Scholar B

7. Early Modern Person B

8. African Americanist B

etc., etc. etc.

Then I picture an African Americanist declining and them picking African Americanist A. If A declines, B. If B declines, start at the very top of the list and go down until someone accepts, regardless of field. So, if I'm AA B, then I need to hope that both African Americanists decline, OR that the waitlisted AA declines, OR that it works so far down the absolute waitlist that it reaches me. But since he said I'm "close to the top," I'm going to assume that I'm in the first tier of "by-field" candidates. Here's hoping I just need one AA decline to get in.

Okay, the whole hypothetical system I just worked out here is proof that I'm totally obsessed and need to go lie down.


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How would you guys explain this sentence in my Rutgers waitlist email? "Our wait list is ranked both absolutely and by field; your name is close to the top."

I imagine that it works like this: If an African-Americanist declines, they go to the field; if the field person declines, they go to the absolute list. Do you think this is right? Or is it something else?

I'm picturing something like this:

1. Victorian Scholar A

2. Early Modern Person A

3. African Americanist A (me, hopefully)

4. British Modernist A

5. Shakespeare Person A


6. Victorian Scholar B

7. Early Modern Person B

8. African Americanist B

etc., etc. etc.

Then I picture an African Americanist declining and them picking African Americanist A. If A declines, B. If B declines, start at the very top of the list and go down until someone accepts, regardless of field. So, if I'm AA B, then I need to hope that both African Americanists decline, OR that the waitlisted AA declines, OR that it works so far down the absolute waitlist that it reaches me. But since he said I'm "close to the top," I'm going to assume that I'm in the first tier of "by-field" candidates. Here's hoping I just need one AA decline to get in.

Okay, the whole hypothetical system I just worked out here is proof that I'm totally obsessed and need to go lie down.

*ignores more pressing work to devise an entirely hypothetical calculation of a hypothetical wait-list position*

*still doesn't have clearer sense of position on wait-list*

*is still nervous about potential acceptance*


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*ignores more pressing work to devise an entirely hypothetical calculation of a hypothetical wait-list position*

*still doesn't have clearer sense of position on wait-list*

*is still nervous about potential acceptance*


Yep. Another wrinkle to my ideas: they could've accepted a larger than desired cohort in order to anticipate the number of declines they'll have. After all, there are very few waitlists on the results board in contrast to prior years, but like 12 acceptances.

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So, I am getting a lot of love from the school I've been wait-listed at. The POI reached out to me, introduced me to the other professor in the same field, as well as to other grad students. While I am flattered by all the attention, I can't help wondering why they are spending so much time on me when they have all these actual admits that they should be taking care of?? Or is this all a normal part of their recruitment process?

TripWillis - I love how you're trying to work out your chances lol! Believe me I've been trying to do the same though I have much less information to go on. When I asked about my chances, the DGS could only say that the wait-list was not ranked and that my chances are "pretty good". What does that mean??? Argh! The next few weeks is going to feel like an eternity.

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So, I am getting a lot of love from the school I've been wait-listed at. The POI reached out to me, introduced me to the other professor in the same field, as well as to other grad students. While I am flattered by all the attention, I can't help wondering why they are spending so much time on me when they have all these actual admits that they should be taking care of?? Or is this all a normal part of their recruitment process?

TripWillis - I love how you're trying to work out your chances lol! Believe me I've been trying to do the same though I have much less information to go on. When I asked about my chances, the DGS could only say that the wait-list was not ranked and that my chances are "pretty good". What does that mean??? Argh! The next few weeks is going to feel like an eternity.

Yeah, chances "pretty good," "name close to the top" -- I feel like I'm better off trying to read hieroglyphics. I feel no closer to knowing if I'll get into Rutgers or not, but ever since I got the waitlist I have REALLY been wanting it. Being waitlisted is such an odd, limbo-like experience, and I say that knowing that I'm already in at two places with generous offers. Rutgers would just be such a fantastic option -- top choice.

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Yeah, chances "pretty good," "name close to the top" -- I feel like I'm better off trying to read hieroglyphics. I feel no closer to knowing if I'll get into Rutgers or not, but ever since I got the waitlist I have REALLY been wanting it. Being waitlisted is such an odd, limbo-like experience, and I say that knowing that I'm already in at two places with generous offers. Rutgers would just be such a fantastic option -- top choice.

Hey TripWillis! I don't know if this helps you or not, but I know someone who was accepted to Rutgers off the waitlist.The department also told him he was close to the top and really kept in touch with him throughout the whole thing. I don't know about the ranked stuff though. UT Austin's waitlist seems to have no organization at all, and oh my god, I would do pretty much anything to get accepted there.... I want to email everyone who got accepted there outright and be like "HEY GUESS WHAT LIVES IN TEXAS? ARMADILLOS WITH LEPROSY!" and hope they back out. But things probably don't work that way.

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Armadillos with leprosy.... :lol: I literally laughed out loud.

It's true, Coffeeplease!


I was also admiring your signature... I have one program let to hear back from, and I also don't care if it's another rejection. I just want the suffering to end!

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I actually wanted to quote your signature. I cannot wait for it to be over and I, too, will perform an epic happy dance.

My stepdad was just telling me how he and his buddies (or the rest of the world, for all I know) used to call the prime parking spot in any parking lot a "hula spot" because when you got it and got out of your car you'd be all excited and do a little hula dance in celebration.

I wanna do the grad school admissions hula spot dance.

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It's true, Coffeeplease!


The sidebar in this article cracked me up -- a photo of a bummed-out armadillo captioned with:

Few armadillos live long enough in the wild to be seriously affected by the infection.

Most armadillos are simply too dead to contract leprosy. Rejoice, armadillo community!

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@ Stately Plump and Fiona Thunderpaws -- Oh my god, it IS true! Adding this to my collection of odd animal news stories (favorites: drunken badger and stoned wallabees)

And glad you like my signature....while I'm technically waiting on one more response, I know it isn't gonna be the kind of answer that will really change things. It's nice not to feel like a basket case all the time, and I hope you guys get to relax soon, too!

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Hey TripWillis! I don't know if this helps you or not, but I know someone who was accepted to Rutgers off the waitlist.The department also told him he was close to the top and really kept in touch with him throughout the whole thing. I don't know about the ranked stuff though. UT Austin's waitlist seems to have no organization at all, and oh my god, I would do pretty much anything to get accepted there.... I want to email everyone who got accepted there outright and be like "HEY GUESS WHAT LIVES IN TEXAS? ARMADILLOS WITH LEPROSY!" and hope they back out. But things probably don't work that way.

:lol: I appreciate your telling me. I have a good feeling, but I'll just have to be patient and see what happens. Ugh. I was hoping all my waiting and agonizing would be over by now.

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I didn't see how dejected the armadillo looked before, that's pretty great!

Aaand, I could make a drunk badger joke (I just came back from Madison WI), but I'll resist the urge for now...

TripWillis--I was talking to my Rutgers friend again today about my own waitlist, and he said a lot of people in the 2011 class came in from waitlist, so I really think you have a good chance! Do what I do and devise ways to talk the accepted people out of it. You don't have oven-like weather and sickly state animals on your side, but I'm sure we think of reasons as to why no one should move to New Jersey.

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I just wanted to bump this thread, as I just got waitlisted at a school I reaaally love (and had been counting as a rejection!) and to share some good news/advice.

Two years ago my best friend was wait listed at a great PhD program. She lived close enough that she could make a visit to campus, met with a number of faculty members, and was accepted within a week. I know a visit isn't feasible for everyone, but if you can make it work, it can only help.

Edited by rainy_day
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I just wanted to bump this thread, as I just got waitlisted at a school I reaaally love (and had been counting as a rejection!) and to share some good news/advice.

Two years ago my best friend was wait listed at a great PhD program. She lived close enough that she could make a visit to campus, met with a number of faculty members, and was accepted within a week. I know a visit isn't feasible for everyone, but if you can make it work, it can only help.

Thanks for this--I live twenty minutes from my wait list school, so I may just do that. Not entirely sure how to approach it though. Useful advice!

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Thanks for this--I live twenty minutes from my wait list school, so I may just do that. Not entirely sure how to approach it though. Useful advice!

I'm having coffee this week with the successful friend in question to ask her exactly that. I'll report back here.

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Out of curiosity, how many folks that are waitlisted applied as direct admits straight from undergrad? I only applied to one Ph.D. program and one M.A. program due to my inability to move away from the county I currently live in (husband's work, owning our home, and residency restrictions on child custody put the kibosh on moving for grad school). Luckily, I made it onto the waitlist for the Ph.D., and accepted to one of the M.A.s with a grad assistantship. I'm just curious what it means if the school says there are "very few students" on the list. My very few means 3-4; does the DGS mean more? Also, while the letter reassured me that they would let me know if a spot opens up sooner rather than later,they will definitely notify me about an official acceptance or rejection by May 1st. May 1st?!? I'll be bald by then from pulling my hair out! In the meantime, I'm planning on attending the recruitment weekend, setting up initial meetings with the professors I want to work with if I get in to the Ph.D. program, and lining up outside funding for my research.

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I'm *technically* applying "straight" from undergrad in that my BA is the only thing that "counts" toward anything (too many air quotes?) Time-wise, though, I'm not - have a masters in another subject, taught a couple of years since.

kelannrob, I feel your pain. It's a struggle trying to interpret the info from schools and yet not read into it too heavily. The wait list emails for me (UMass) are encouraging and expound how great the chances are, and in the same breath I get the "no guarantees" caveat. I'll take it over rejection, but the vagueness of this thing is out of control. I've started emailing profs. at my wait-list school to get feedback on initial research ideas, especially if there are connections to their own work, just to start laying a groundwork in the off chance that I attend.

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Katelynn- you probably have a good chance at umass then, since you had a teaching interview. My emails from Stephen Clingman are short and sweet and do not emphasize high chances at all. Which is okay with me, for personal reasons, but encouraging for you!!

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