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Wait listing is NOT the end!

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Coincidental timing. I just contacted the DGS at UCR yesterday about visiting and meeting with some people. Very nice and helpful.

Have you decided on where you're going rubyrunner?

Not yet, but I'm leaning towards Davis. Best of luck with your visit, rdsull.

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So, how are you other waitlisted people dealing with the wait?

I've been looking up everything, and I do mean everything, about my school and the area. I know how much it costs to get into the zoo, for God's sake. If my program were a person, the police would probably have a restraining out for me by now. I feel like I should be informed in case they make me an offer close to the 15th (which will probably be the case), but I also feel like I'll be even more crushed if I don't get an offer after knowing how oh-so-sweet it could've been!

...I think it's time to make a trip to the beer fridge.

Edited by Fiona Thunderpaws
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So, how are you other waitlisted people dealing with the wait?

Poorly. Very poorly. As in shirking my teaching responsibilities to watch copious amounts of Star Trek.

I, too, have decided to learn everything there is to know about Amherst, MA. Not too hard because I live close by, but they made the anticipation all the sweeter because I had to visit for an interview.

Do you guys also have this day-to-day fluctuation between optimism/pessimism? Like yesterday I was all, "It'll happen!" And today I'm all, "Ugh, I'm doomed!"

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I was pretty optimistic for a while--about a whole week. I had already 100% resigned myself to shutout. The day UT Austin and Rutgers acceptances both went out, oh god, the absolute misery! So compared to that, getting waitlisted has almost been as good as getting in, because it means that I haven't been deluded myself with dreams of intellectual grandeur.

But now I realize that with UTA's recruitment weekend being so late, I won't hear anything from them until April. And the horrible doubt-monster sinks it's claws in me again! If I don't get in, I'm shut out. And while I always guessed the last rejection would be the most painful, I know it'll be worse because I had a shred of hope to cling to.

Of course, all this means that by the time I hear from UTA, I may have been institutionalized so it won't matter either way!

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I was pretty optimistic for a while--about a whole week. I had already 100% resigned myself to shutout. The day UT Austin and Rutgers acceptances both went out, oh god, the absolute misery! So compared to that, getting waitlisted has almost been as good as getting in, because it means that I haven't been deluded myself with dreams of intellectual grandeur.

But now I realize that with UTA's recruitment weekend being so late, I won't hear anything from them until April. And the horrible doubt-monster sinks it's claws in me again! If I don't get in, I'm shut out. And while I always guessed the last rejection would be the most painful, I know it'll be worse because I had a shred of hope to cling to.

Of course, all this means that by the time I hear from UTA, I may have been institutionalized so it won't matter either way!

I know how you feel... I'm waiting for UT-A, too and right now it's seeming like there or nowhere. I hope we both get in!

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I know how you feel... I'm waiting for UT-A, too and right now it's seeming like there or nowhere. I hope we both get in!

I hope you get in too! One of my side interests is Ethnic and Third World Lit (but don't worry, I'm in the Women, Gender and Lit subfield, I just like dabbling :ph34r:) so we could join the same reading group! Or get drunk at happy hour together in the beautiful, beautiful Austin weather. Or just do both.

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I hope you get in too! One of my side interests is Ethnic and Third World Lit (but don't worry, I'm in the Women, Gender and Lit subfield, I just like dabbling :ph34r:) so we could join the same reading group! Or get drunk at happy hour together in the beautiful, beautiful Austin weather. Or just do both.

Only if you drink a round for Haru, impending, myself, and all the other GCers that didn't get in. Seriously, thunderpaws (I know I could call you Fiona, but thunderpaws is SO MUCH COOLER) I would love for you to get in. It would be vindicating to know rad people are there even if I can't be :)

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Only if you drink a round for Haru, impending, myself, and all the other GCers that didn't get in. Seriously, thunderpaws (I know I could call you Fiona, but thunderpaws is SO MUCH COOLER) I would love for you to get in. It would be vindicating to know rad people are there even if I can't be :)

Antecedant--The first round I drink will be for all of you! I don't know what curious miracle decided to make me a potential UTA person, but I know all of you deserve it just as much, if not more! I really, really hope one day us 2012 application season people will all meet up at a conference sometime just so I can meet the awesome people behind the names. Here's to everyone!

Edited by Fiona Thunderpaws
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Has anyone else re-contacted their school(s) for wait list updates? My initial correspondence with the program director was really helpful, and he told me to check back in a few weeks if I wanted to (CLEARLY I would want to...) and he'd give me a clearer picture if he had one. It's now a few weeks later. I have this (perhaps irrational) fear that I will annoy the hell out of these people to the point where they'll say to themselves, "Do we want to deal with this insane individual for 5+ more years? Send on that rejection!" The other (cue: irrational) hope is that I'll annoy them so much that they'll just let me in to get me off their backs.

Perhaps this is all neither here nor there, since this would make a grand total of 2 inquiries (hardly too many?). I mean, he wouldn't have offered if he wasn't willing, right? Or...should I save this second inquiry for another week, by which time I'll be truly batshit insane and more in need of some consolation? Who knows.

The question, without my neuroses, is: how much contact have you maintained with your wait list institutions, and how receptive have they been about it? (I have a really hard time with social cues and etiquette, so I like to survey people about them; pathetic but true.)

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Has anyone else re-contacted their school(s) for wait list updates? My initial correspondence with the program director was really helpful, and he told me to check back in a few weeks if I wanted to (CLEARLY I would want to...) and he'd give me a clearer picture if he had one. It's now a few weeks later. I have this (perhaps irrational) fear that I will annoy the hell out of these people to the point where they'll say to themselves, "Do we want to deal with this insane individual for 5+ more years? Send on that rejection!" The other (cue: irrational) hope is that I'll annoy them so much that they'll just let me in to get me off their backs.

Perhaps this is all neither here nor there, since this would make a grand total of 2 inquiries (hardly too many?). I mean, he wouldn't have offered if he wasn't willing, right? Or...should I save this second inquiry for another week, by which time I'll be truly batshit insane and more in need of some consolation? Who knows.

The question, without my neuroses, is: how much contact have you maintained with your wait list institutions, and how receptive have they been about it? (I have a really hard time with social cues and etiquette, so I like to survey people about them; pathetic but true.)

I wrote an e-mail asking some questions about the program, but I decided not to pressure her for an answer on my waitlist position. I think we just have to be patient; these places can't really know much until after prospective open houses, right?

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I think if this wait-list ever turns into an acceptance, I'm going to immediately transport myself to Amherst for the sole purpose of giving Stephen Clingman a bear hug. Maybe Wanda, too. One big, group bear hug. Because I'll love them that much, and then they'll rescind their offer because - well, who wants an applicant who has such a disregard for boundaries.

I've also envisioned the phone call, where I respond with, "Yes, yes! A thousand times yes!"

Hope you have enjoyed this journey into the recesses of anxious_aspirant's imagination.

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I think if this wait-list ever turns into an acceptance, I'm going to immediately transport myself to Amherst for the sole purpose of giving Stephen Clingman a bear hug. Maybe Wanda, too. One big, group bear hug. Because I'll love them that much, and then they'll rescind their offer because - well, who wants an applicant who has such a disregard for boundaries.

I've also envisioned the phone call, where I respond with, "Yes, yes! A thousand times yes!"

Hope you have enjoyed this journey into the recesses of anxious_aspirant's imagination.

I can understand the desire to give them bear hugs; they're really nice e-mailers.

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When you talk to administrators or profs about this, one of the most common things they say is that people should just call or email with questions. On the one hand, that's sensible. On the other hand, I was too chicken to do so when I was applying, so....

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I think if this wait-list ever turns into an acceptance, I'm going to immediately transport myself to Amherst for the sole purpose of giving Stephen Clingman a bear hug. Maybe Wanda, too. One big, group bear hug. Because I'll love them that much, and then they'll rescind their offer because - well, who wants an applicant who has such a disregard for boundaries.

I've also envisioned the phone call, where I respond with, "Yes, yes! A thousand times yes!"

Hope you have enjoyed this journey into the recesses of anxious_aspirant's imagination.

I imagine how I will break the news of my awesome acceptance to my friends, family, and mentors all the time. I know UTA emails acceptances so I can't imagine the phone call. But I will archive it and keep it forever. I've already read the waitlist email about ten times. I horde it like it's some sort of lover's token... It's official folks, Thunderpaws is off the deep end.

And I totally plan on emailing the DGS with questions next week. I decided to hold off a week, because I don't want to come off as the crazy, desperate person that I am. He pretty much told me the same thing TripWillis mentioned--they won't really know anything until after recruitment weekend. Which is in early April.

I think I'm going to drink the bottle of gin I just procured and dream of meeting you all at MLA 2013!

Edited by Fiona Thunderpaws
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A friend of mine who was accepted into a journalism program copied me a piece of her acceptance letter to answer my question about funding. "I'll copy it," she said. I protested, but it was too late. I saw those words: "approved, admission, 2012." It was no more or less genial than the ones I had received, but hers glowed, I think.

I saw the promised land, I caught a bit of Canaan. And in that sight, that moment of knowing it, I knew my dreams were dashed before they had even begun.

Edited by rawera
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Antecedant--The first round I drink will be for all of you! I don't know what curious miracle decided to make me a potential UTA person, but I know all of you deserve it just as much, if not more! I really, really hope one day us 2012 application season people will all meet up at a conference sometime just so I can meet the awesome people behind the names. Here's to everyone!

I also am a huge feminist theory person! I put down Ethnic and Third World Literature as my primary field and Women and Gender as my secondary. I'm not sure though... when I think about the field exams, I'm wondering if I should do E3W and American Lit? or Women and Gender. I'm not a drinker, but I'd be happy to have a soda while you get wasted :-P haha.

On another note, have you been able to get any solid contact from anyone after the waitlist? I have tried E-mailing to get grad school contacts and E-mailing professors but only have had them forward them to Lesser who hasn't responded.

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I've been wait listed for a month today and it feels like two months! Oie! At least another three weeks before I hear anything, I'm sure.

I live 20 mins away from my dream wait list program, and I want to go camp outside the department until they take pity on me. But that MIGHT be awkward.

Edited by wikichic
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I also am a huge feminist theory person! I put down Ethnic and Third World Literature as my primary field and Women and Gender as my secondary. I'm not sure though... when I think about the field exams, I'm wondering if I should do E3W and American Lit? or Women and Gender. I'm not a drinker, but I'd be happy to have a soda while you get wasted :-P haha.

On another note, have you been able to get any solid contact from anyone after the waitlist? I have tried E-mailing to get grad school contacts and E-mailing professors but only have had them forward them to Lesser who hasn't responded.

GuateAmfeminist-- whoa, really? We have inverse subfields! Now we both really need to get in! I think more than anything else, if this all works out, I am most excited to be with people who are as excited about research as I am, and we would definitely be research buddies!

And I haven't reached the intrepid stage where I can email Dr. Lesser again. I asked him about waitlisters visited when I got the notification, but nothing since then. I feel like it's strange your emails to other professors are forwarded to him though. I plan on emailing him this week in the hopes of getting some grad student contacts, and I'll you know how that goes. I know last year a lot of the waitlisers were upset because UTA did not do a good job of keeping in contact with them. I hope it's not like that this year...

Wikichic--you've already been waitlisted for a month? I take my hat off to you! Has your program given you any updates so far? And don't worry, if Texas wasn't as far away from New York, I would consider camping outside the department too.

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Wikichic--you've already been waitlisted for a month? I take my hat off to you! Has your program given you any updates so far? And don't worry, if Texas wasn't as far away from New York, I would consider camping outside the department too.

Yes, a month- and no real contact since. I did have an awkward phone conversation with the grad. coordinator after three weeks of waiting (I called her) just because I couldn't stand the silence. I don't think I'm going to get in touch with them until the end of the month this time, to avoid another awkward encounter.

I keep rereading my letter, especially the part that says, "Although we cannot promise you admission, we do want to emphasize that we have drawn from our wait list in recent years." I hope history repeats itself this cycle.

Good luck to you both at getting in to UTA!!! :)

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Yes, a month- and no real contact since. I did have an awkward phone conversation with the grad. coordinator after three weeks of waiting (I called her) just because I couldn't stand the silence. I don't think I'm going to get in touch with them until the end of the month this time, to avoid another awkward encounter.

I keep rereading my letter, especially the part that says, "Although we cannot promise you admission, we do want to emphasize that we have drawn from our wait list in recent years." I hope history repeats itself this cycle.

Good luck to you both at getting in to UTA!!! :)

The thought of calling UTA's DGS makes me shudder, I give you points for doing it! I think I would just gape on my end like a fish and all my questions would dry on my tongue.

Yeah, as soon I was waitlisted I poured over last seasons' UTA information--posts, results survey, all of it--trying to gauge my chances of getting. A waitlist couldn't possibly be larger than the amount of first round applicants, right? RIGHT?!

Good luck getting into your school too, Wikichic! Which program is it, if you don't mind me asking?

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I'm waiting on JHU. I'm seeking my degree in History, so my wait list situation may be a little different. I'm glad I found out so early, but making me wait two months for a firm decision while I'm writing my thesis is torture!

You English Lit/Comp guys have the best and most supportive wait list thread- thanks for letting me join in :)

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GuateAmfeminist-- whoa, really? We have inverse subfields! Now we both really need to get in! I think more than anything else, if this all works out, I am most excited to be with people who are as excited about research as I am, and we would definitely be research buddies!

And I haven't reached the intrepid stage where I can email Dr. Lesser again. I asked him about waitlisters visited when I got the notification, but nothing since then. I feel like it's strange your emails to other professors are forwarded to him though. I plan on emailing him this week in the hopes of getting some grad student contacts, and I'll you know how that goes. I know last year a lot of the waitlisers were upset because UTA did not do a good job of keeping in contact with them. I hope it's not like that this year...

Let me know if you can get contacts for grad students (I've got nothing on that end either) because that's really who I want to talk to, especially if the profs aren't taking questions. I am the first person in my family to graduate college, let alone apply to grad school and my husband and I are pretty isolated from others applying to Ph.D programs, so finding this forum (though I found it way too late) has been my only way of having some sort of community. I hope the best for you and hope we can both meet at UTA!

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