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UT Austin

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Wow, thanks Austin for CC-ing all the acceptances instead of BCC-ing them on this latest visting info email. Not an unprofessional thing to do at all.

Muahahaha now I can Facebook stalk you all. Just kidding. Kind of.

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Muahahaha now I can Facebook stalk you all. Just kidding. Kind of.

Uh, it took me about one second to figure out which one you are. Dokkey and I are relatively safe, for now.

Also, I don't see it as terribly unprofessional at all - just trying to foster a sense of community!

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In the summer before we started, the assistant director of our program set up an email chain for the new rhet/comp cohort. We all talked about ourselves and shared stories and such. Going back over it all months later, it's remarkable how little I see of the people themselves in the emails. How we represent ourselves....

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Uh, it took me about one second to figure out which one you are. Dokkey and I are relatively safe, for now.

Also, I don't see it as terribly unprofessional at all - just trying to foster a sense of community!

I mean, you can't tell my name from this username, but I have one of those distinctive names where if you google/facebook it, there's only one result.

It's not a big deal cause it's only 20 people, but it's still weird

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Ha! Wow, I'm behind. I should get on Facebook and do my homework... Did you rhet/comp people get the same people as the English people? Can't tell if we're all mixed together. I'm in English, specifically Victorian lit with a focus on childhood/technology studies. I'm definitely going to the weekend...such a bummer about the date, though. I really would like to decide before then.

Anyone know a lot about the Austin area? I'm vaguely considering buying a small house instead of renting, but it's still too early to tell, I think. Also, has anyone talked to their POIs, or anyone else?

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Yeah, not one person on this board has mentioned applying in my specialty (ling/lang) so I'm curious if there is someone out in anonymous gradcafe land who heard back from them...

Edited by antecedant
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I've been hoping the deadline they set for themselves (Feb 24th - tomorrow!) would be hard just so I could know, but perhaps if what you're saying is true then it isn't? I was under the impression that all UT Austin PhD offers included at least 4-6 years worth of tuition waivers, TA-ships, etc. Perhaps not?

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If they put me in charge, all the programs would have a hard notify-by date. (accepts and rejects and lists all at once)

Why won't anyone put in me charge? I just don't understand it.

I would also give everyone a kitten just for applying. Sympathy kittens for everyone.

Edited by Hope. Feathers. Insanity.
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This is so weird, but I think related.

So today I was ruminating on this project I did for a linguistics class a few years ago on male vs. female communication, and I got to thinking about how I perceive everyone on this site solely through the way you all write, and how those imagined figures are obviously either a guy or a girl. Then I thought to myself, "Well, I bet I am incredibly mistaken about a lot of these people, because even though there are certain gender tip-offs and linguistic tendencies in language, it usually manifests in oral communication and not as much through writing." Given that we are all intellectual, verbose geniuses (who will all get into UT Austin and have amazing Texan lives) our writing is always highly directed toward some intended goal or message and typically nestled within similar erudite voice/language choices academic writers tend to use, but not in the spontaneous rambling (though this post is starting to lean that way) that usually indicates gender. Anyhow, point being: antecendent, not that it is at all wrong for guys to wear nail polish, in fact I am rather attracted to the indie/rocker type of man who will at some point or another don nail color in his life, but I totally had you pegged for a guy. Now with this yellow sunshine nail varnish revelation, I'm thinking you might be a girl. My world has been turned upside down-- or maybe right side up, since it's been upside down since last December when I applied for grad school. Cue white rabbit.

Edited by andsoitgoes161
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This is so weird, but I think related.

So today I was ruminating on this project I did for a linguistics class a few years ago on male vs. female communication, and I got to thinking about how I perceive everyone on this site solely through the way you all write, and how those imagined figures are obviously either a guy or a girl. Then I thought to myself, "Well, I bet I am incredibly mistaken about a lot of these people, because even though there are certain gender tip-offs and linguistic tendencies in language, it usually manifests in oral communication and not as much through writing." Given that we are all intellectual, verbose geniuses (who will all get into UT Austin and have amazing Texan lives) our writing is always highly directed toward some intended goal or message and typically nestled within similar erudite voice/language choices academic writers tend to use, but not in the spontaneous rambling (though this post is starting to lean that way) that usually indicates gender. Anyhow, point being: antecendent, not that it is at all wrong for guys to wear nail polish, in fact I am rather attracted to the indie/rocker type of man who will at some point or another don nail color in his life, but I totally had you pegged for a guy. Now with this yellow sunshine nail varnish revelation, I'm thinking you might be a girl. My world has been turned upside down-- or maybe right side up, since it's been upside down since last December when I applied for grad school. Cue white rabbit.

Interestingly, I've always seen antecedent as a girl. Hmmmm

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This is so weird, but I think related.

So today I was ruminating on this project I did for a linguistics class a few years ago on male vs. female communication, and I got to thinking about how I perceive everyone on this site solely through the way you all write, and how those imagined figures are obviously either a guy or a girl. Then I thought to myself, "Well, I bet I am incredibly mistaken about a lot of these people, because even though there are certain gender tip-offs and linguistic tendencies in language, it usually manifests in oral communication and not as much through writing." Given that we are all intellectual, verbose geniuses (who will all get into UT Austin and have amazing Texan lives) our writing is always highly directed toward some intended goal or message and typically nestled within similar erudite voice/language choices academic writers tend to use, but not in the spontaneous rambling (though this post is starting to lean that way) that usually indicates gender. Anyhow, point being: antecendent, not that it is at all wrong for guys to wear nail polish, in fact I am rather attracted to the indie/rocker type of man who will at some point or another don nail color in his life, but I totally had you pegged for a guy. Now with this yellow sunshine nail varnish revelation, I'm thinking you might be a girl. My world has been turned upside down-- or maybe right side up, since it's been upside down since last December when I applied for grad school. Cue white rabbit.

I love you for posting all of this!

I've had similar musings about gender on these fora, but never knew if it was appropriate to broach them. Some are easier than others (most GC-ers who are American and have also mentioned their husbands I have pegged for women) and of course I have a general (though not focused, I suppose) awareness of pronoun usage. What really got me thinking about it all was when ComeBackZinc posted a photo of himself wishing us all good luck (or kcul doog as the case was I believe) and then some conversation TripWillis and koolherc had a while back.

Anyway, I will risk discarding another piece of my internet anonymity and reveal that I am indeed a lady. Perhaps it was my George Orwell avatar that threw you off?

And thanks for throwing me a sociolinguistics tidbit...being interdisciplinary is still new to me :P

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