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Waitlist experiences?


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It's weird how wait lists are so different between institutions. People lament the WalMartization of America, but there's still a lot of uniqueness and charming inefficiency in history departments across the country. The two institutions I'm wait listed at have been very kind and attentive to me, even sending unsolicited encouraging emails, which I'm choosing to take as a sign that a possibility remains of an offer.

Hey, have any of you been encouraged to use other offers as a "bargaining tool"? my UG advisor and other profs from there really think i should flaunt what I got, but I'm so nervous that it'll go wrong. You know? What if they think "well she's got other options that seem good, we dont need to offer her anything."

I can't imagine doing that. I'm not saying it's a bad idea, but I couldn't do it. At least not how you seem to be describing. However, I did tactfully mention that I had received other, generous offers and that I was reluctant to keep them waiting until April 15... and that I would be keeping in regular contact with the DGS so that I might be able to make a final decision as quickly as possible.

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so I ended up doing a very similar thing - writing to them that i would like to know the timeline for decisions at this point, so i can make a decision about whether or not to attend an open house weekend in early april. i hadn't asked them prior about when I should expect to hear and they hadn't offered that info, so I am generally curious and in need of knowing. (and in the process, they are now aware that i have other programs interested in me, though i still made it 110% clear that their school is my FIRST CHOICE! because it is...)

Edited by uhohlemonster
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I did use my other acceptance as a bargaining tool. I wanted to show my wait list program that I had another option, but I also emphasized that they were my top choice, and if they offered me admission, I would accept. So I would say- flaunt it- carefully.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am with UNC. Not fun, but at least I have some other great options. Not looking forward to waiting it out all the way to April 15 though!

do you have at least guaranteed fall back spots?

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I'm still wait listed at rutgers, and getting ready to just accept Nyu since I know it'll be the best offer either way...

Well then I guess we won't be seeing you in these parts anymore :)

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Does anyone have experience with being waitlisted for funding? I was accepted into the PhD at Colorado-Boulder, but my offer is not funded. That being said, the admit letter made it clear that funding may be forthcoming in the future, so I havn't given up hope. CU is one of my top choices (and my fiancee's #1 for location and family reasons), so I'm still hoping I may receive some good news.

I'd guess that funding preference is given to those students admitted right away w/o funding over those who are later taken of the admit waitlist... But then again, I know about as close to nothing about intra-departmental dynamics as possible. Any thoughts?

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I was just taken off the wait-list at UNC!! So for the rest of you waiting for them keep an eye out for an email soon!

Congrats! I see that you were also accepted at SUNY-Buffalo. Are you heading to the prospective student weekend next Friday?

Edited by grlu0701
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Does anyone have experience with being waitlisted for funding? I was accepted into the PhD at Colorado-Boulder, but my offer is not funded. That being said, the admit letter made it clear that funding may be forthcoming in the future, so I havn't given up hope. CU is one of my top choices (and my fiancee's #1 for location and family reasons), so I'm still hoping I may receive some good news.

I'd guess that funding preference is given to those students admitted right away w/o funding over those who are later taken of the admit waitlist... But then again, I know about as close to nothing about intra-departmental dynamics as possible. Any thoughts?

I'm in a similar boat ... yaay

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I was just taken off the wait-list at UNC!! So for the rest of you waiting for them keep an eye out for an email soon!

congrats to you! now get outta here ya crazy kid! go enjoy! :)

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