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Congrats, Trip! I'm so happy for you. I've had my fingers crossed and I think of you every time a Rutgers post goes up :)

I hope you get in!

Thanks SP!! Gosh, the people on this board are just so awesome and supportive. So glad I found this place.

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What's with them and us poor 18th centuryists? I was sure we'd get into ONE of our mutual programs together bdon!

Well, we still have Cornell and Toronto...though I'm not holding my breath for either. And no matter what, you still have Duke, which is freaking amazing!! If you end up there and I end up at UNC, we can be friendly rivals, k? ;)

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Are either of you hoping to work with Deidre Lynch if you get in to Toronto, bdon and/or hedgerows?

I definitely am, because I work with women writers and later 18th c. novels that border on the gothic. But I can't even begin to think about Toronto. That's one of the last ones on my list that'd give Duke a real run for its money...

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I definitely am, because I work with women writers and later 18th c. novels that border on the gothic. But I can't even begin to think about Toronto. That's one of the last ones on my list that'd give Duke a real run for its money...

Yes, yes I am. Oh, hedgerows, why must we compete so? And I agree 100% with not thinking about Toronto...it would just make my decision that much harder.

Watch us both get wait-listed or something ridiculous like that...

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Congrats, Trip! You're knockin' 'em dead this year! I'm pretty sure Rutgers is a bust for me, but I'm still going to keep my fingers crossed for a waitlist notification... Maybe... :unsure:

Edited by cquin
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Congrats, Trip! You're knockin' 'em dead this year! I'm pretty sure Rutgers is a bust for me, but I'm still going to keep my fingers crossed for a waitlist notification... Maybe... :unsure:

Trip (and anyone else waitlisted), has your status on the website changed yet? Mine just says "No Decision."

Why can't these programs just reject me already?? I just want closure!

Thanks Cquin!

Bdon -- my status has not changed. I wish I had more specific info about where I am on the waitlist...

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Thanks, Trip. I'm not *too* distraught because I still have my 2 acceptances, plus 4 more to hear back from, PLUS I'm meeting with the director of CUNY's MALS program tomorrow to investigate that possibility...

Oh well, congratulations to all the acceptees and wait-listees! :)

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I haven't heard a thing till now. Do I really need to bite the bullet and call the office to confirm my rejection? I kind of want to believe no news is still a good sign.....ohe this is cruel.

Check your junk e-mail. That's where I found my rejection. No kidding.

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Check your junk e-mail. That's where I found my rejection. No kidding.

I did that. I checked, for like twenty times, all my inboxes including the junk box. Nothing. Feels like eating from garbage bin. Painful indeed. Thanks for sharing anyway, bdon19!

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