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Yeah, it wasn't me either. Though I wasn't expecting an acceptance call from Harvard, that's for sure. I'm curious to know if the call just came (6:00pm over there!) or if it just now got posted. Most likely the latter, but I can't help looking at my phone every few seconds. Just in case.

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I got a call from a (617) area code, but was just these two guys with haughty accents going, "Hey kid, this is what we think of your writing sample, old sport!" And spitting into the receiver. Someone else from the background yelled, "I concur! Poor form!"

So yeah, I'm waiting on a call from here and Rutgers... aaaaany minute now.

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On 2/17/2012 at 5:35 PM, DorindaAfterThyrsis said:

As much as I honestly and realistically didn't think Harvard or Rutgers (or Brown, or WUSTL, or UPenn, or Columbia) were/are a possibility for me, I still feel a little ill right now.

Head and heart don't really agree much on this topic of Grad School probabilities, I'm afraid.


Right there with you.

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I just sent Stephen Greenblatt an email, I'll let you guys know what he says B)

My guess: "Thank you for e-mailing and for your interest in Harvard GSAS. Due to the volume of correspondence..." etc.

Edited by TripWillis
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Good ol' Stevie. He and I are tight, dontcha know.

We often get together for evenings of beer and intense theoretical discussion. He just hasn't called me yet 'cause he doesn't want it to look like he's playing favourites.....which he would be. I'm totes his favourite.

*convincing nod*

You know Stevie Green too? What are the odds! We're old drinking buddies. We used to always hang out at Shay's together and talk about how I wasn't going to get in. :mellow:

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I don't even know what those things are.....that's how not-getting-into-Harvard I am.


If you do get in and you go to some prospective student thing, do not miss any of those places. Especially Charlie's. Great jukebox, good selection of beers, an 11 dollar lobster roll (worth every penny), and awesome greasy cheeseburgers. Sub waffle fries. Yeah... oh man. If I get into ANY Boston school I am going back.

...except CUNY is amazing. So confused... :unsure:

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