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I'm on the west coast, so I got it at exactly 9am! Which meant I walked into work, opened my email, and was silently freaking out at my desk because I've told no one at work I've applied to graduate programs. Waited desperately for a coworker to stop chatting with me so I could rush outside and call my parents. This whole process has been so surreal.

Congrats, eaw53 and hazel! And good luck to everyone still waiting.

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It sounds like they sent out all the acceptances at exactly 12pm eastern time, so I bet if you are still waiting, at this point you're waiting for a no.

Congrats again to everyone who got in!

That is, unless they pull a Columbia, and reject a bunch of people tomorrow, then leave all the rest with no information whatever.

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Thank you all so much!

I got an email from Martin Puchner, DGS and my central POI, this morning.

1) I have the biggest case of impostor syndrome ever.

2) Thank you, gradcafe, for being such an incredible support system throughout the application process! You are such a wonderful, intelligent, interesting group of people and I'm totally going to read your book in 7 years.

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Stately Plump--I'm also waiting on my Columbia rejection. It's getting a little ridiculous. (also, can I tell you how much I love your name?? fantastic).

eaw53--I'm mostly a modernist, though I'm hoping to expand that a bit in graduate school (I'm interested in organizational questions across all periods, but modernism's a bit in-your-face about it so I started there). I'm fairly undecided as of now, though Harvard was definitely near the top of the list and I'm over the moon to be in! I'm also looking at Princeton and UVA, and am on the waitlist at Berkeley. All would be good programs for me in different ways, so I'm really relying on the visiting weekends/talking with faculty to figure it out, and am amazed to find myself in a position with so much choice! An early rejection from Northwestern really freaked me out.

What's your area of interest? And are you set on Harvard?

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Hazelbite--YES. They say it like it's a good thing: "you'll be getting calls from ALL THESE PEOPLE," while I'm sitting here frantically composing talking points so they don't decide to rescind me when I turn out to be a babbling idiot.

What are you interested in studying?

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bigrelief - i'm gonna be deciding between this and berkeley rhetoric! terrified-excited-babbling-idiot would also be a very apt string of adj for me right now...

some authors/topics of interest... nabokov, w.g. sebald, coetzee... the contemporary novel...the visual image and the role of visuality in narrative... the ethics of representation (dealing esp with the poetics of witness and testimony)

i keep waiting for the april fools email

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Y'all, we have some overlap! I'm interested in Modernism, esp. Woolf, and checking out texts from the perspective and vocabulary of cognitive science (neuroaesthetics, they like to call it) and optics. Also I'm a big theater person and have a goal/crusade of uniting the forms-- bringing the novelistic on stage, bringing the impulsive and outward to interior texts. Also: A.R.T. Also: Moscow Art. Also: Martin Puchner!!! I gotta go check out all their books now

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congrats, you guys! Looks like I'm a no, but it wasn't really a good fit for me. Pretty sure there are abou 3 schools in the country that want a Children's Lit/Victorianist. At this point, I *hate* the word "fit." Hazelbite, will I still see you in Austin for the recruitment weekend?

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congrats, you guys! Looks like I'm a no, but it wasn't really a good fit for me. Pretty sure there are abou 3 schools in the country that want a Children's Lit/Victorianist. At this point, I *hate* the word "fit." Hazelbite, will I still see you in Austin for the recruitment weekend?

A professor of mine was a Children's Lit/Victorianist, and she got her PhD at UConn.

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1) I have the biggest case of impostor syndrome ever.

2) Thank you, gradcafe, for being such an incredible support system throughout the application process! You are such a wonderful, intelligent, interesting group of people and I'm totally going to read your book in 7 years.

I don't apply til this fall, but both of those points define me to a T: extreme impostor syndrome and extreme gratitude for finding thegradcafe.com. I don't know what I would ever have done without the support and help of you guys. Thanks a bunch. :wub:

I get really excited thinking about the prospect of reading former gradcafers' books in the future. Judging from the intellect and ingenuity of people on these fora, I think it's safe to say that a few cutting-edge theorists are among us! :ph34r:

PS: Congrats to the Harvard kids by the way. That's an extreme accomplishment.

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