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Best MA in Arabic or Middle East Studies with Funding?


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I have been under the impression that it is difficult to get funding for masters programs. I am not entirely sure how accurate this is so I wanted to shout out to you guys and get thoughts.

Top schools I'm considering:

Johns Hopkins




UT Austin

Does anyone have experience with these schools in particular or know about their reputation? Furthermore, are there strong schools that offer large amounts of aid that anyone knows of?

Thanks! :D

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Wow, nice list of schools! Good Luck!

I don't know anything about those schools specifically, except they're big name and if you get accepted really big congratulations!

From professors I've spoken to in this field there generally there isn't too much funding available for M.A students, but considering many of the programs that I have applied to are Canadian there may be differences (at least you're getting a Canadian perspective now). I know for U of Toronto, the department of religion offers no funding for their M.A students, while the Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations department offers some funding for M.A students.

Good luck again!

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I've been told by professors that for studying the modern Middle East UT Austin is very good, probably even one of the best. I've actually had UT Austn recommended over Harvard and Princeton for the modern Middle East.

I've heard the Middle East program at UT Austin is very difficult to get into and that some people who get accepted into prestigious schools like U Michigan or even one of the Ivys have gotten rejected by UT Austin.

I'm unfamiliar with the others though I know Georgetown focuses heavily on the Arab world and if you want a broader view than that it may not be the best for you.

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