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Anyone applied to Rutgers/Camden, Public Affairs, Fall 2012?

Olga Childs

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Have you heard back at all? They say decisions should be out by March 1st, I haven't heard anything and it is driving me insane. The status on the system is "no decision". I am thinking maybe they lost my application altogether and are just being nice and reassuring to everyone in emails.))

I'd emailed one of the professors three weeks ago, and got a response asking if I'd already submitted my application, for my resume and whether I'd want to visit the campus for a talk. I replied Yes Yes Yes but never heard back, and even though I did send a cautious follow-up (something like, if you still want me to come, I am here), to that professor, the admission woman I know, and the department chair I have talked to previously, only the professor replied, and a bit vaguely at that.

I can imagine that with Rutgers/Rowan proposed merger and all, who knows what is going on there. But I'd want to go anyway, so, still, it'd be nice to know either way.

It's a small program there, I don't know if there is a chance many people here applied there, but I thought I'd try.

Edited by Olga Childs
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  • 1 month later...

Hey Olga! I've applied for Rutgers-Camden Public Administration (MPA) program. Still no word, but hopefully soon! Have you heard back yet about your program? Did you find out via website?

I also contacted someone in the Department a while back and as well it was kind of vague, so holding off on contacting them again to find out about my application decision.

Glad to see someone else in a similar situation at Rutgers-Camden :)

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  • 2 weeks later...


This was an old post... it seems like they made their PhD decisions about three weeks ago -- there is one more person here on the forum somewhere who was admitted, but we are still waiting to hear anything about funding.... Which, as I was told at the time, would be 2-3 weeks more, and I am going to make a yet one more push for it on Monday. I have invited myself to a campus visit last week, a nice small campus, totally overcome by the whole political mess with the proposed Rutgers-Rowan merger at the moment. I am also quite concerned that the whole merger mess may impact their potential ability to award GA's, so for me, it's still in the air.

As far as MPA admission decisions, I would be surprised that you haven't heard anything, but with a little insight into the process that I have gained lately, I am not all that surprised. Have you tried calling Sandra Cheesman, the department administrator? She is a single person that knows everything around there, and seems to be the main driving force behind most processes within the department.


PS I got an nice automated email inviting me to an Open House on Tuesday. It says that it's a nice opportunity for admitted students to learn about the department and meet staff.... Not sure if I should go.I've just been there last week and it did not bring much in terms of further clarity. But depending on what I hear or not on Monday, I might go. Overall, I am hopeful -- I got this far...

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