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MFA Admission Replies - short and simple


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I gor my rejection letter in the mail about a week ago, maybe a week ago. Pretty sure they on the interviews and such.

Here are my results so far:

Painting programs:

CCA - accepted

RISD- interviewed and waiting

SAIC- interviewed and waiting

Yale- rejected

Hunter- rejected

Columbia- nothing - wtf? Has anyone else had problems w/ Columbia? First they said I had to resubmit my portfolio online and then they lost my $100 check. I have heard that interviews are scheduled, but I haven't heard from them either way. I thought I would have heard from them by now... I'm not impressed w/ their admin capabilities

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that's kind of a relief to hear - i've had the same problems with columbia. i applied last year and they sent my rejection letter to an old address i hadn't lived at for 6 years and hadn't given to them. real odd - not sure how they would have gotten that information.

this year i applied twice in two different divisions and they lost one of the applications. it was a whole what-to-do. i still haven't heard yet, and i've called a few times with no luck. my head is on the chopping block - just put me out of my misery already! yeesh!

Here are my results so far:

Painting programs:

CCA - accepted

RISD- interviewed and waiting

SAIC- interviewed and waiting

Yale- rejected

Hunter- rejected

Columbia- nothing - wtf? Has anyone else had problems w/ Columbia? First they said I had to resubmit my portfolio online and then they lost my $100 check. I have heard that interviews are scheduled, but I haven't heard from them either way. I thought I would have heard from them by now... I'm not impressed w/ their admin capabilities

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i saw on the grad cafe a posting that people were notified on the 22nd, which would be the equivalent of tomorrow this year! I am crossing my fingers, is this anybody else's prospective top choice?

Between money and location, it just may be. I had a lot of mixed feelings about it, but many of them were put to rest by an excellent tour on Saturday; for various reasons, including those just mentioned, it has gone from my last choice to my top choice. Of course, I have to actually get accepted somewhere before I have anything known as a "choice"...which is looking kind of glum these days!

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i saw on the grad cafe a posting that people were notified on the 22nd, which would be the equivalent of tomorrow this year! I am crossing my fingers, is this anybody else's prospective top choice?

It is for me! Though you probably knew that. I remember during the art history / Thomas Weaver part of the interview day, him saying they would decide Wednesday, and that we should hear back within one to two weeks. I imagine rejections will come via post, and acceptances probably over the phone or email?

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It is for me! Though you probably knew that. I remember during the art history / Thomas Weaver part of the interview day, him saying they would decide Wednesday, and that we should hear back within one to two weeks. I imagine rejections will come via post, and acceptances probably over the phone or email?

Yeah, i heard acceptances were by phone, which i think is so much nicer.

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You know, I don't remember at all, and the suspense is killing me!

I totally bombed that hunter interview though. majorly bummed, but feeling better prepared now for my last interview.

blerg. i was totally sold on the program. great studios, great faculty and not taking on $100k in debt. i guess there is still hope!! i wonder if there is someone we can call - i bet they have already made their minds up.

Hey julieopp, do you remember what kind of timeline Hunter gave for notification after Saturdays interviews? I seem to recall them saying they would all meet wednesday (yesterday), but nothing about how or when we would hear from them.
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Here's to bombing interviews! My Hunter interview was also awful, but I'm hoping not so much so that it ruined my chances of getting in. For what it's worth, a good friend of mine who is now in her first year at Yale had what she thought was the most disastrous interview possible and now she is there working away, and I know people who had what they thought were flawless interviews only to be rejected in the end, so you never know! It is so hard to gauge these things...

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(hi, I'm new. :))

I'm applying to a few different programs--most are MFAs for or related to design, but I'm taking a more interdisciplinary and academic approach, and hoping to study design as well as cultural/interaction/technology issues related to design, so I applied to more general campuses than dedicated art schools. Hopefully this is the right place to post these.


Georgia Tech (my alma mater) - MS, human-computer interaction/digital media (via e-mail 2 weeks ago, then via official mailed letter)


Carnegie Mellon - MDes, communication planning and information design (via e-mail 2 weeks ago)


U. Illinois at Chicago - MFA, graphic design (late Feb. via e-mail, after I e-mailed them about setting up a campus visit, then an official letter later)

U. Illinois at Urbana-Champaign - MFA, graphic design (late Feb. via e-mail, after I e-mailed them about setting up a campus visit, then an official letter later)

Boston University - MFA, graphic design (last week via mailed letter)

Still waiting:

Pratt - MS, communications design, digital design track (they mailed me Friday saying they didn't have my portfolio - it was web-based and I provided the URL in the packet on its own page, but I mailed them back immediately with the link)

U. Washington at Seattle - MFA, visual communications design (should have released results on Monday...)

MICA - MFA, graphic design (longshot)

I've got my fingers crossed for either Pratt or UW...they should get back to me any day now. CMU's supposed to get back to me no later than April 15, but that's when I have to let GT know whether I've accepted their offer, so I'm going to call them and see what's up.

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I had a friend that also had an awful interview with Hunter... I wonder what the deal is with them?

Here's to bombing interviews! My Hunter interview was also awful, but I'm hoping not so much so that it ruined my chances of getting in. For what it's worth, a good friend of mine who is now in her first year at Yale had what she thought was the most disastrous interview possible and now she is there working away, and I know people who had what they thought were flawless interviews only to be rejected in the end, so you never know! It is so hard to gauge these things...
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I had my RISD interview yesterday and I thought it was NOT good. I also has a phone interview with MICA (Hoffberger) some weeks ago that I thought was AWFUL but I ended up getting into both schools. My main point is that we are super critical of ourselves and the interviews are never as bad as we think.

On my phone call from RISD today, I told the lady that I didn't think I was going to make it because my interview was bad. To my surprise, she said it was great. They were very critical of my work and I had to defend it and assumed they couldn't stand what I was doing. I think they just wanted to see how critically people thought about what they were doing and how well they could defend it.

So, don't sweat your interviews. There are VERY FEW people who step out of an interview room thinking "I nailed that!"

Best of luck


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Yay skp!! It's good to see that I wasn't the only one applying to design/interaction/technology related programs... I've been obsessively checking the results page and haven't seen many related postings to the programs I'm waiting on. Wasn't sure what that meant... EEP! The wait is so agonizing................

Anyway, here are mine:


CCA - MFA, Design (Probably Interaction Design concentration)

Still Waiting (aaaag):

Stanford - MFA, Design

SVA - MFA, Interaction Design

Pratt - MS, Communications Design (I'm still waiting for a reply any day now... not sure what this means because I thought I saw posted results on this site already)

Parsons - MFA, Design & Technology

Good luck everyone!!!! :)

I'm applying to a few different programs--most are MFAs for or related to design, but I'm taking a more interdisciplinary and academic approach, and hoping to study design as well as cultural/interaction/technology issues related to design, so I applied to more general campuses than dedicated art schools. Hopefully this is the right place to post these.

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It seems like everyone here has applied to Columbia UNIVERSITY.

On the off chance that there are some Chicagoans on the forum, I just got a call for an interview for Columbia COLLEGE Chicago's Interdisciplinary Book & Paper Arts MFA program.

I don't think everyone is being interviewed, but it looks like they have at least made the first round of cuts.

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To those who apply to Pratt for Mdes, communication design.

I just want to share that I got email saying that I got accepted since early of March.

and the mail packet arrived a week later.

If you didn't hear anything from them yet, I think you should call to ask them since I think the decision is already come out (both rejection and acceptance) and you should received it already.

I just call the CCA and found that I was not accepted. I feel lose my confident much since I think I rarely see people got rejection from CCA.

However, I was surprise I get interview at Cranbrook which, I personally think, far better (yes, I mean if I got accepted later) !!

So, I think that my portfolio may catch the eye for very few people, may be it is too unique (or too weird, haha).

Now :

MFA - Design, Graphic design, communication design, Visual communication design or whatever they called..

Cranbrook - interview March 11 (they said to release out their decision this week, so excite!!)

Pratt - Accepted via email

Yale - Rejection via postal letter

SAIC - Rejection via postal letter

CCA - Rejection via email

University of washington, seattle - Rejection via postal letter

(no reply yet)

SVA - wait

MICA - wait and wait

RIT - wait and wait and wait

Anyway, have anyone heard about how is RIT (Rochester institute of technology)? I see it in ranking about I don't heard anybody talking about going there... I really want to know if it has a good graphic design department?

Goodluck to everyone!

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Yay skp!! It's good to see that I wasn't the only one applying to design/interaction/technology related programs... I've been obsessively checking the results page and haven't seen many related postings to the programs I'm waiting on. Wasn't sure what that meant... EEP! The wait is so agonizing................

Oh, sweet! It's good to know I'm not alone, on all counts! What's your area of academic interest, if you don't mind my asking? :)

I attended SVA's IxD info session in November...but I'd like to have a more conventional university experience, with more well-rounded academic resources and extracurriculars available, and SVA-IxD's evening-only course structure wasn't what I wanted. Not to mention, since it's their first time out, I'd really rather not be in the guinea-pig class...but how amazing would it have been to work with such an esteemed group of web/interaction designers? (I worship the ground Jeffrey Zeldman walks on. It was through his site that I first heard about the program!)

By the way, an update...I got rejected from UW-Seattle today, which was one of my top choices. :( So that's one acceptance (Georgia Tech), one waitlist (Carnegie Mellon), four rejections (UI-Chicago, UIUC, Boston U, UW-Seattle), and 2 TBAs (Pratt, MICA). Eek!

And it does look like Pratt released their results (thanks, aimelie!)...my Pratt ComD alum cousin tells me they aren't so great about e-mails sometimes, so I'm going to call them and Carnegie Mellon on Monday. All my hope lies with them now...it's a huge relief that I've gotten into Georgia Tech, but I grew up in Atlanta and I really want to move somewhere new and keep moving on.

Again, good luck to you all!

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Just got my rejection email from UCLA. The waiting game is over, thank god!

I have decided on The University of South Florida

As I said in a previous post (page 14) if re-applying next year please consiter USF



UW Seattle-accepted

OU athens-accepted





are there any clay people on this board?

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Just got accepted to SFAI, for the sculpture program, though I applied to New Genres.. :|

I recently moved and my mail is being forwarded from my old address. This letter was mailed from SF on the 12th. Now I have a week from Monday to make my decision. I've got to call CCA on Monday to see if they sent a letter as well. This is a pickle because SFAI is at the bottom of my list... I'd much rather go to PNCA or CCA, and PSU would be cheaper...

After all the anxiety the situation only thickens!

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Hey all, New Genres artist here. And here are my stunning results!

CAL ARTS: Rejected

UCLA: Rejected

UC Irvine: Interviewed, Decision pending

Okay, so I think I have been biting my nails enough now to have gained a few pounds off of the calorie intake, waiting to hear back from Irvine.

I saw one rejection and one acceptance posted here. I called the department at UCI to see what was going on, the lady who I was on the phone with told me that a decision was still pending for me, and that it was a good thing because I am "still in the running."

People... "still in the running" is not rejection, but its also not acceptance. So I ask here, is there anyone out there in the same boat as I am in this situation with UCI? The anticipation is driving me crazy!


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