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I recently received a notification once more for all those that saw my last post regarding the open house. Did anyone else receive this e-mail today??? I'm not sure if it indirectly was a notification that I was wait listed,however, what does one do??? I'm waiting patiently I just like clarification on things!!


I received a similar e-mail but it didn't say anything about being wait-listed, or any admission status for that matter. Based on the cyburbia forum there seems to be at least 2 versions of the e-mail. I'm guessing some official notification will come out soon.


Can you provide the link on cyburbia so I can follow the dialogue on there as well?

Do you possible know how many people get wait listed??


are we talking about cornell? i got a open house invite - with waitlist in it - but no letter from admissions. clarification would be great! also - first reply and a waitlist - what a bummer......................


The cyburbia link is http://www.cyburbia.org/forums/showthread.php?45079-Graduate-PhD-2012-2013-applications-and-acceptance-notices-United-States/page8 , it's a great forum to check out especially since it's dedicated to planners. I'm not sure how many people get wait-listed, I think gradcafe and cyburbia are skewed towards super qualified applicants where you'll tend to see a higher proportion of people on the wait listed than are in reality.

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