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Hello everyone,

Question out of curiosity: What is the most bizarre or unusual TA situation you've ever seen or experienced?

For example, I have a bachelors in Statistics and Anthropology, and I will be going into a Communication's Research PhD. I have no experience with comm courses. So my TA experience might be bizarre. . . teaching students things I have never studied before. (I am a bit nervous about it, really.)

Thanks for your replies!


I was in an anthro stats class with a TA who seemed to be learning stats for the first time... I think that's kind of unfair. It makes me nervous that I might TA a math class (I suck at math!).


Not going to lie... I read the title of this thread as being somewhat dirty... ;-)

*getting my mind out of the gutter* My first semester in my PhD program, I TA'd for an Archaeology of Human Origins class. I had a little background in archaeology, but had avoided it as much as possible. Several of my students were Arch majors and knew much more than I did. It was a good learning experience for me overall, but definitely awkward at times. I made sure to plan well for each discussion section so that the students would spend a lot of time talking and interacting with each other about the material; at our school, that's what TA sessions are supposed to be about anyway, rather than the TA lecturing.


My research is mostly in humanities/social sciences, but I TA'd an upper-division class in Environmental Engineering (it didn't focus a lot on calculations, and was interdisciplinary).

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