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I got my M.A. in 2010, which I've paid off (miracle of miracles!), and which means a bit less time/money spent toward the PhD. I also qualify for regional tuition (shoutout to New England), which is $18,000 - not awesome, but not $25,000 either.

I'm tempted to go anyway. But, I still have schools I'm waiting to hear from, so that may just make my decision for me!

Best of luck! If the funding doesn't pan out, it's still a PhD program, and getting into one of those is super tough and totally cool when it happens. B)

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So you know, Hermia 11, I was just accepted to URI (rhet/comp) via the website without any info on funding. You're not alone in wondering if that means no funding.

I was admitted similarly to Nebraska and found out via mail several days later that being notified only by the website did indeed mean no funding at all (unless other accepted and funded students did not accept and a TA position trickled down to me in April).

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Best of luck! If the funding doesn't pan out, it's still a PhD program, and getting into one of those is super tough and totally cool when it happens. B)

Thanks for the words of confidence, tripwillis! I'm pretty happy to be in ANYWHERE, funding or no funding. (Says the dumb, wide-eyed grad student headed for bankruptcy.) And a congrats to you, too, on your awesome string of acceptances. :)

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So you know, Hermia 11, I was just accepted to URI (rhet/comp) via the website without any info on funding. You're not alone in wondering if that means no funding.

I was admitted similarly to Nebraska and found out via mail several days later that being notified only by the website did indeed mean no funding at all (unless other accepted and funded students did not accept and a TA position trickled down to me in April).

Thanks for the info! Yikes... not looking promising. I'll definitely post when I hear something from the department, but I'm betting it's the same story as Nebraska.

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I too have received an acceptance there. I am really excited as it was my first positive response from a school! I have not heard anything about funding. I did call the school to ask, and they told me to e-mail the director. I e-mailed on Friday and I have not yet heard anything. I just asked when we would be hearing about funding, as I have some decisions to make before March 19, and I wanted to know beforehand!

If you want to e-mail as well, the e-mail address she gave me was:


If you hear anything, post it back on here!

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Well, I just called up there and spoke to Michelle, the nice grad secretary. She told me that she was going to be sending out an e-mail with info for all accepted URI students on Wednesday with info about the program, upcoming visitation dates, and about FUNDING! She was vague about what that means, but I just wanted to give everyone the info that we'd be hearing from URI on Wednesday with more info. :-)

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Well, I just called up there and spoke to Michelle, the nice grad secretary. She told me that she was going to be sending out an e-mail with info for all accepted URI students on Wednesday with info about the program, upcoming visitation dates, and about FUNDING! She was vague about what that means, but I just wanted to give everyone the info that we'd be hearing from URI on Wednesday with more info. :-)

Yay thank you for sharing this!! Now I'm psyched all over again. Granted, I ought to wait to see the details of this funding info before I get too excited... :)

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I just got the e-mail. Nothing about funding, other than saying I would be notified about my request for funding before March 12. That doesn't sound very good! :-/

Anyone else have anything to add about URI funding? I know the state is in bad fiscal shape, but hopefully it will come through!

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I just received the email. It was addressed "dear applicant" and simply gave information about conferences and events...in other words, it didn't really tell me anything substantial. Did anyone hear about funding? I'm about to email the DGS just so I can know whether this definitively means that I don't have funding.

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I agree!! That gives me plenty of time to work on job applications and such just in case funding doesn't come through! The e-mail said we'd find out by the 12th, but I feel like that isn't particularly helpful.

The e-mail also said that they'd be happy to set us up to talk to other grad students... maybe I'll see about doing that so I can get an insiders perspective on what happens there.

I wonder how many people applied, and also how many were accepted. I was trolling the URI website and saw the number of actual PhD students from last year, and it said there were 50. I remember reading somewhere that there are 28 assistantships available, so I'm not completely optimistic about getting one.

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Well, I got an e-mail and found out I am on the waiting list for a TA-ship. :-/ Anyone else hear anything? And anyone who gets a TAship and isn't going to go to URI... deny it soon so those of us on the waitlist have a chance!

I heard too, and got a TAship. (The email wasn't terribly informative - Michelle is supposed to send a letter with details soon, it said.) I'll need to hear the details, but this seems like an offer I'm going to take. Sorry I can't help you out, cinemaniac! :( But good luck - I'm sure someone has to turn theirs down.

Also - did you get in touch with any grad students? I'm interested to hear!

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I e-mailed all of the grad students, but I haven't heard anything from any of them! Somewhat disappointing. :-/

I'm hoping someone turns a TA-ship down. If not, I think I'll try and find a job and maybe apply for a PhD in a few years. I already have enough out in student loans... I don't want to take out more!!

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I definitely didn't get an email. I'll email them tomorrow to see what is up.

I also am not sure what you mean by a separate funding application which probably means I blew it and didn't do something I should've.

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Ah, I just looked back over the URI stuff. I did send the teaching cover letter (or at least I have a file for it on my computer... I don't know how anyone manages more than 10 applications--organizing these almost killed me!). I'm hoping they just skipped over my name or something when sending out emails. I'll let y'all know if/when I hear something.

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Ah, I just looked back over the URI stuff. I did send the teaching cover letter (or at least I have a file for it on my computer... I don't know how anyone manages more than 10 applications--organizing these almost killed me!). I'm hoping they just skipped over my name or something when sending out emails. I'll let y'all know if/when I hear something.

I didn't mean a separate application... I just meant the separate letter! Sorry for the confusion! When I got my acceptance to URI, I was excited. Then I read that I had to send in a letter for a TA-Ship and nearly died because I thought I had overlooked it. Luckily, I hadn't and was freaking out for no reason. I applied to 7 schools and was CRAZY organized, but still felt like I was missing everything or overlooking stuff.

Hopefully the TA-Ship will come through for you... or maybe you'll be able to join me on the waitlist! :-)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Everyone, congrats to all who got accepted.

I've applied to URI Environmental and Natural Resource Econ program, but havent heard anything back still. Did you all check you admissions status over email or by URI ecampus thing. It says you can check the app status on ecampus but everytime i go there nothings really changed. Just wondering


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