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Stats of people accepted to MIT?


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It seems like NO ONE gets accepted into MIT. I want some stats of people accepted into MIT - I can't seem to find any anywhere. Anyone?

Also, seems that Stanford and other schools are cutting back on acceptance. I can't see hardly anyone accepted to Yale. Comments?

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do you by chance know if mit is committed to diversity - as in different backgrounds? maybe someone who's worked in business before or someone who can speak like six languages, someone who used to own a business, have a cool hobby, etc?

lots of ivy leagues are into that, but i'm not sure that mit would be (yes, i know mit is not an ivy league).

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It seems like NO ONE gets accepted into MIT. I want some stats of people accepted into MIT - I can't seem to find any anywhere. Anyone?


What do you mean no-one? There are some MIT EECS admissions on the survey page.

They'll probably contact the admitted students by Feb 17 or something, and refer everyone else to their wonderful website :(

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They don't do it - but if you go on website of professors they usually put their phd students there somewhere. If you then go to the student's website - he/she often has a link to his/her CV there - you can see when they started grad school and then look what they achieved by that time:) I don't want to post specific links since that person may not want it but it's not hard to find :)

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ok seriously. i just checked those people's resumes and i'm now ready for my reject letter. :(

those people are seriously qualified and there's no way they would look at me. mit seems to be very by the book and seems to only accept one type of student. others might disagree with me. seriously depressing.

i'm now very happy and grateful for the accepts that i have received.

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j still want to write to the professor i want to work with and state my case. what do you think???

bad form? what do i have to lose at this point?

It's a small world, so you definitely don't want to burn any bridges. If you do e-mail the professor, I would keep it professional and avoid appearing desperate.

Best of luck!

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@csApplicant, I did not receive an official email from CMU, but I know from many of my friends that CMU only has a single round of admits. So I'm assuming it's a reject.

My specialization is networked systems. You can find my profile in the 'CS applicants where are you' thread.

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So do they send out rejections before they send out admits? What about the whole online admission/rejection thing? Is that a rumour? Does anyone have any idea what MIT's usual policy of announcing admissions/rejections are??

I think some schools send acceptances before rejections since they first consider ppl for PhD and then masters

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