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---I'm willing to leave my home country and my family,

and have in tow a husband who can't speak English and won't be able to have a job (he's a well-paid designer here, but won't think of staying here alone with me gone to study) anywhere I decide to go.

do I win do I win?

Well, I think so!

Though I doubt I can beat the three teenagers in tow. :)

Good luck, unlikelygrad! and others as well. :wink:

I don't have three teenagers--only two, plus one pre-teen and one younger child. And just the other day, my most grumbly teen said, "You know what? I'm starting to get really excited about the move." **huge sigh of relief** His older brother has been fairly accepting ever since his gf moved away last weekend (no one important to leave behind any more, as far as he's concerned). So I don't think I deserve best entry any more.

I would also be willing to submit to dangerous and psychologically scarring illegal experimentation if I would be guaranteed admission.

This whole process seems to be EXACTLY "dangerous and psychologically scarring illegal experimentation" and none of us are even guaranteed admission!

I want to get a PhD so bad I have not even considered what my life would be should I not get accepted/funded. Everything other than acceptance/funding is a blurry vision of a black-hole, end of the universe, there is no future type of existence.


... I'd be willing to give up a $150K a year job and and take my wife and I back into a poverty we haven't experianced since being an undergrad.


I don't care so much about the PhD itself, I just need it to do what I want to do. I have other things I want to do too though, so if it doesn't work out (i.e. I do not get accepted anywhere or I get accepted somewhere without funding), there is still light at the end of the tunnel.


... I would be unscrupulous and unethical by funding my education habits by living off an older man in return for sexual favors and selling my eggs.

In actuality... I'm not yet that desperate. However,I would do all the above given the worst case scenario. The worst-worst case scenario is that I don't get in at all and then I'd simply run my baby sister's new bar business and drink until I finally drop over (not that I've not been trying to do that throughout my undergraduate career). :lol:


...I'm willing to leave my wonderful bf of five years, who has been my greatest cheerleader this whole time and perhaps spend the rest of my life as single and too busy to mingle. Depressing.


If you have posted saying that you are leaving your bf/gf for grad school..then you are in my mind the biggest loser imaginable. Don't even post that garbage and be fishing for sympathy or commendation for dedication...I can't even express my disgust.... :evil:

If you have posted saying that you are leaving your bf/gf for grad school..then you are in my mind the biggest loser imaginable. Don't even post that garbage and be fishing for sympathy or commendation for dedication...I can't even express my disgust.... :evil:


I've yet to encounter anyone who has put their career first and foremost, sacrificing all (including personal relationships) for the sake of a degree or a job, and ultimately been a happy person. Not saying they don't exist, but I haven't met them. There's another thread that references a study demonstrating the high rate of depression among graduate students - taking such a course of action only makes it all the more likely you'll wind up in that category.



I've yet to encounter anyone who has put their career first and foremost, sacrificing all (including personal relationships) for the sake of a degree or a job, and ultimately been a happy person. Not saying they don't exist, but I haven't met them. There's another thread that references a study demonstrating the high rate of depression among graduate students - taking such a course of action only makes it all the more likely you'll wind up in that category.

I really agree with this. Someone posted "Career > SO" in another one of the relationship forums here and I was thinking "Wow, what an unhappy fellow you must be." I mean, to each their own, but I've been working a shitty retail job while I waited for my partner to get a job that he could relocate with, and I'd happily do it for several more years and would expect the same from him. And when I get home from my cruddy retail job to my partner and cats and anthropology journals, I'm the happiest person in the whole damn world. I understand entering a temporary long distance relationship, but I'll never understand dumping someone you're otherwise happy with for the sake of your career. The very thought makes me sad.

I really agree with this...

Start a new thread you guys. This one is supposed to be funny and lighthearted and not a forum for people who value careers more or less than relationships to preach at each other. Go start that fight somewhere else.

Moving on!

I want to get a PhD so bad... I evilly plan on being the best in class in a devious and unshakable way. I will know all the answers, and everyone will hate me! Buwahahahahaha!

... I would be unscrupulous and unethical by funding my education habits by living off an older man in return for sexual favors and selling my eggs.

Years ago, I would have been disgusted with myself for accepting the offer from a sugar daddy. Now, however, I think it sounds great! More time to focus on studies. :) And I've certainly toyed with the idea of selling sperm.... it doesn't seem like plasma has much monetary value anymore, at least not where I live.

But moving on....... if I knew I'd be guaranteed admission next time around, I would be willing to stay in Atlanta and keep waiting tables for yet another year. :cry:

If you have posted saying that you are leaving your bf/gf for grad school..then you are in my mind the biggest loser imaginable. Don't even post that garbage and be fishing for sympathy or commendation for dedication...I can't even express my disgust.... :evil:

I put a long-term SO before my education a few years ago and it was great for a while...then we broke up...then I regretted making personal life choices for someone no longer in my life. If you're married then it's completely different. Decisions should be joint. If marriage isn't in your near future then I don't see the big deal about leaving that person behind.


Guys, it's a very personal and difficult choice, I'm sure someone leaving a long-term SO feels sad enough about it without strangers on the internet yelling at them.

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