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It's March already.. And I am very nervous for I still haven't received any email yet.

I applied for SIPA Columbia, SAIS JHU, ESIA GWU, SIS AU, and IPED Fordham.

Based on their admissions websites, decisions will only be available Mid-March (SIPA already announced that first batch of decisions will be available by March 14th).

Is there any possibility that decisions will be available this week?

Any of you who applied to the same schools could just update us whenever you got the news, so we would know that decisions are coming out already!

Too nervous!

Edited by erry3779
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I hope that your personal statement to Hopkins did not refer to "SIPA" and that your personal statement to Columbia did not refer to "SAIS."

hahaha.. You just made me check my application folder! Thankfully everything is addressed correctly! hahahaha...

What if someone really made that mistake? will it hurt their chances?

Oh i wish.. there is a SAIS Columbia... So i could pick SAIS in NYC hahaha

Edited by erry3779
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Are you sure you're not just tweaked out and left another AY window open?

Not like I just did that or anything

No. Because

1. I always log out properly and close the window every time after an AY session

2. MySais Page is not linked with AY, the same goes with VIP Page of SIS AU, you can have an AY window of SIPA open and also MySais Page and SIS AU VIP Page open at the same time.

Lets cross our fingers.

You also waiting for SAIS?

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I tried to login to MySais Page just now, and they say that there is an error! I hope this means that they are updating admissions decision!

damn you erry3779!! there goes the rest of my day refreshing the SAIS page...

SAIS admissions had emailed me before the app deadline, asking if I was interested in setting up a call with the admissions office (I live in India so couldn't visit...although I did visit during the summer) or a current student. I thought that was a really nice touch.

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MySAIS is working as of 3/6/12 1:49 AM EST. As is ISIS. I don't think SAIS's decisions are supposed to be out for a week or so, so I would relax on that front.

Mine is still not working as of 3/6/12 1:55 AM EST. What is going on then? Anyone else with the similar problem on their MySAIS page?

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I just got in to MA IDev at SIS. Got the email this morning.

Yeah I am sorry for the MySAIS Page error... Mine is working fine already..

Really can't wait for SAIS and SIPA decisions! Please keep us updated if anyone already heard from them!

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Really can't wait for SAIS and SIPA decisions! Please keep us updated if anyone already heard from them!

Don't worry, this forum will be aflutter with updates once SAIS and SIPA release decisions! You won't be able to miss it :). I don't know about SIPA but SAIS will release theirs around March 14th.

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Don't worry, this forum will be aflutter with updates once SAIS and SIPA release decisions! You won't be able to miss it :). I don't know about SIPA but SAIS will release theirs around March 14th.

Yes thank you.. According to SIPA Admissions Blog, SIPA will release its first wave of admissions decision on march 14th too

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Don't worry, this forum will be aflutter with updates once SAIS and SIPA release decisions! You won't be able to miss it :). I don't know about SIPA but SAIS will release theirs around March 14th.

Did SAIS really give that exact date? I know they said mid-March, but can we confirm this is official?

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Did SAIS really give that exact date? I know they said mid-March, but can we confirm this is official?

I don't think we have confirmed it is official. SarahL, a present student, shared this information with us:

As starving applicants desperately and hungrily seizing any tiny scrap of information we can, this update is what is sustaining most of us right now :D

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I don't think we have confirmed it is official. SarahL, a present student, shared this information with us:

As starving applicants desperately and hungrily seizing any tiny scrap of information we can, this update is what is sustaining most of us right now :D

Heh, understood. Just don't want to have false expectations.

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Not to throw this up in the air, but if you look at when they've released the admissions decisions over the last few years... it has always either been on a monday or a friday. Maybe we're going to be surprised on Monday?

Or today! hahahaha

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just got an email.. Got wait listed at Elliot..

Now Im worried... does this means that I won't get SIPA or SAIS? :wacko:

Not really, GW is considered on par with SIPA and SAIS in many respects. The fact that you got waitlisted means you have a foot in the door. The other schools may weight your strengths more heavily.

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Not really, GW is considered on par with SIPA and SAIS in many respects. The fact that you got waitlisted means you have a foot in the door. The other schools may weight your strengths more heavily.

Thank you KJ90, thats relieving! I hope all is well with ur applicationa! Wishing u good look? How do u do so far?

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Just got an Email from Erin Cameron, the Associate Director of Admissions at SAIS. She told me that SAIS is expecting to release decisions by the end of this week! Let's hope that Wednesday is considered the end of the week!

Best of luck everyone!

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I've held out to this point in one piece, but I'm going bonkers over here with 0/4 decision notifications.

I wish I would've applied to GWU/SIS just so I'd have something to work off of right now...

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