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How long did it take to hear back?

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Just wanted to start a thread where people could post how long it took for them to hear back with a decision, so that people like myself, who are still waiting, could sort of gauge what to expect. This is obviously assuming that your school didn't release them all at once.

So, how long did it take?

Myself: STILL have heard nothing!

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I applied December 5th (last day application was open) - heard back about an interview December 20th; interview was January 20th; received a departmental acceptance on February 10th and the official acceptance on February 14th. I know that admissions for the program are 'rolling' (send out a round of acceptances, wait to hear back, send out another round).

Good luck!!

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For the rolling application, I was invited to interview about 4 weeks after submitting my application, and I was notified of acceptance 1 week after the interview.

For an application that was due January 4th, I was notified of acceptance on March 6th.

I am still waiting to hear back from other programs whose applications were due January 15th, February 1st, and March 1st respectively.

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I think it does depend on the school. My earliest deadline was Oct 31 and I heard about the interview in January, then went, then got notified (accepted) 2 days after the interview. My other application deadlines were December, and I JUST heard from them... so sounds like a 3 to 4 month turnaround?

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I got my first response two weeks ago and it was a rejection. Applied in December, was asked to separately apply for university funding in January, and then got the rejection two weeks ago.

I got my first acceptance just this morning. I applied in November and interviewed in early January. I hadn't heard a thing in the mean time and was too chicken to actually call them in case it was just hastening a rejection.The department updated the FAQ's on their website two days ago with a bullet on the decision process that all interviews had been conducted and applicants could expect to hear from them by mid-March. They emailed me late last night with an acceptance.

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I had two applications due in December, and I got rejections from both in January. I had two applications due in January.....one school does interviews, one doesn't. I went for the interview in mid-February and stil haven't heard. I got accepted today from the other school who didn't do interviews. Hang in there! I know this waiting sucks!!!

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