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Thank you!

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I wanted to write a quick but big thank you to everyone on here. I think I speak for most of us when I say that March was a month filled with anxiety and stress, some joy and some disappointment, but overall it was made so much better because of this invisible community of fellow applicants. I think I would have gone crazy without you guys, so many thanks for all your posts, advice, comments, and (most importantly) humour and good spirits. Best of luck to everyone wherever they end up!

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Dear Classmate-soon-to-be, I can't agree with you more. :)

I can't imagine how i could survive mid-march without the support from friends of this forum, even though the days that we refreshed our mailbox like crazy already seem far away.

Oh well, I am sure we are not the first batch to go through this roller coaster mood, nor will we be the last. But the support and friendship we have all along will remain as a lasting memory.

Good luck with all the gradcafers here. I am sure we will do great wherever we end up!

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