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They must be more swamped than usual, I guess? Or only cared about their applicants before they saw our applications :roll:.

I'm staying relatively patient. Having a few back ups already helps tremendously.

Perhaps! I do like that they post their example comp. reading lists right on the site, as it has been providing me with some good reading material in the mean time! I know what you mean about backups; so far I have one acceptance, which really lowers the stress level. Problem is I spend too much time dreaming about the warm weather in Tucson.

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I would try calling Vienna Marum. I know the DGS went abroad for about 10 days, and I'm not sure if he's back yet. good luck!!!!

Thanks for the tip. Ms. Marum was who I sent the e-mail to, perhaps calling directly would be a better idea?

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Well I just received a reply from Ms. Marum, but I'm not really sure what to make of it.

"The [committee] reviewed the applications and recommended several students into the program. Unfortunately, your application was not considered at this time....."

Does this mean they have another round to go? I'm not sure what is meant by my application "not being considered."

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That is odd... maybe they have an unofficial waiting group, and once they get some rejections they'll look at the remaining possibilities? It probably wouldn't hurt to e-mail Dr. X to ask for clarification and mention that you're very interested in the program.

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Well I just received a reply from Ms. Marum, but I'm not really sure what to make of it.

"The [committee] reviewed the applications and recommended several students into the program. Unfortunately, your application was not considered at this time....."

Does this mean they have another round to go? I'm not sure what is meant by my application "not being considered."

That is really weird. Another case of a grad school email's meaning being completely diluted by their own desperation to be polite. I would probably interpret this as a rejection, but the "at this time" really throws me off, too. And is she referring you to Dr. X as an interview/late-acceptance chance, or to find out how you can improve your app for next year?? Confusing! Keep us posted.

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Could be that your applications wasn't considered due to the universities budget issues.

Do you really think that's true? They offered me some good funding for 4 years, so I don't think things are so bad that they couldn't read some of the applications...

I emailed them on Thursday to ask about my status and they haven't emailed back yet.


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I didn't say they didn't read them. What I meant was that you might not have made more than a preliminary cut because they knew they had to accept fewer students than they have in years past. The budget situation at UofA is bad. A 5% cut in August, followed by a hiring freeze, followed by a 10% cut, mandatory furloughs for faculty and staff. And, even with all that, next year's (09-10) budget will be less money than departments have now.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I just got back from visiting UA. It went very well! I met with 6 profs (individually), sat in on a grad class, and met with lots and lots of students. Everyone was very friendly and collegial.

I found out that only 8 people were accepted this year, which is a significant drop from past years. Last year 28 people were accepted, with hopes of getting a cohort of 10, but 14 ended up coming! Given the budget situation and the large group of current 1st years, UA is now hoping for an incoming cohort of 5 to help balance things out. I'm not sure how many people were waitlisted.

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