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Number of Cats in your Household


How many cats do you own?  

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  1. 1. How many cats do you own?

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i have one cat who definitely thinks he is a dog - runs to the door, pounces on you, etc. etc. his name is oliver or ollie for short.

there are also 2 cats at my parent's house who are more my sisters cats - we found them in the backyard almost 5 years ago. they are a brother/sister and named caesar and cleopatra (cleo). my sister, the classical studies major named them. caesar likes to loll about and thinks he is the king of the house, and cleo likes to bitch-slap caesar if he tries to go upstairs (which is her domain) and she is half his size. go figure.

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Two, a tuxedo named Leonardo DaVinci and a pretty calico named Jamilla Isabella, adopted rescue cats from local shelter who may have survived the Midwest floods of 2008.

Oddly, we're dog people but had a cat we rescued 9 years ago as a 4-week-old abandoned kitten, and who showed us that cats can be loveable, too. Then he fell mysteriously and gravely ill last June, slowly deteriorating in spite of multiple vet visits, blood tests, xrays, changes of food (paid for with my Web work with a professor at the University), but all to no avail. Desperate to save his life, we authorized exploratory surgery in December and only then found out he had cancer--why the two vets we relied on for those six months did not figure this out, I'll never know or understand. He died 12/12/08.

Two weeks later our sons asked us if we could rescue another cat, and we ended up with two through PetFinder.com. It's definitely helped with the loss of our first tuxedo cat who was most amazing. During all this, I was finishing my first semester in grad classes while taking my GRE and applying for the PhD program at the University of Iowa. I just found out this week that I didn't get into the PhD program, but the department accepted me for the MA program--which, unfortunately, offers zero funding or teaching opportunities. SIGH.

Glad I found this forum! Fun question, too. :D


Applied: University of Iowa, English PhD Program (1/15/09)

Notified: Rejected for PhD program, Accepted for MA program via email (3/9/09)--anyone else have this happen???

Completing 12 grad-level semester hour credits (May '09).

Since money is an issue, I'll continue working on professor's literature website (freelance), while applying for English teaching jobs near my home, while hoping to continue classes in MA program this fall, and perhaps reapply for PhD program (which offers funding and teaching ops) next year.

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Glad to see most of the cat people here have 2 or more! Nice for them to have some feline company...

Yeah we just had one for a year or so, and one of the nice things about cats is that you can leave them for a weekend and they'll be fine, but a cat by itself will still get very lonely, so we got the second one and now sometimes wonder whether they even notice our absence. :lol: I believe it's a common misconception that cats are solitary though - they hunt by themselves, but are otherwise naturally social animals.

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Glad I found this forum! Fun question, too. :D

Glad it brightened your day a bit. Sorry to hear about your recent loss - I too am unable to explain vets at times. Given that they tend to charge (at least in our urban area) the sort of fees and costs that one expects to be charged for human care, I don't understand why they seem so ... incompetent ... at times. But I suppose there are bad human doctors too.

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There are seven cats here, and five (soon to be six) people living here. But it wasn't our fault, really. My husband and I had three, and when my other husband moved in he brought one. We also moved here with another married couple, to split housing costs, and they had three of their own. Too. Many. Cats!

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