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Fulbright 2013-2014


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I was just studying at a café on campus and my FPA walked by!! I haven't seen her since October...

She smiled at me. I've never seen her smile before. Does she know something?!?!?!?! #reeeee #fulbrightinducedparanoia

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Am I the only one that's had the malevolent desire to pretend to have received notice from one of the countries that gives a lot of grants? I can't be the only sadist in the forum that would derive at least a little pleasure from causing such mayhem... O;) (Note: I posted this message in large part to stop myself from doing the above--I think this is actually a step in the right direction toward self control...heh...)

LMAO. Yes. I totally have. Right there with you. I am a bit of an evil person.

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Yea! I mean, it was just the 5-week version tho. This time I'm going for the big full fellowship (and to India). Gotta find some way to pay for this dissertation research. I mean, if I pass my comp exams. I take my first of 3 tomorrow and am freaking out. Eeek!


Good luck! I hope you exams go well!

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Wow, you are amazing! Thanks for all the advice those are definitely some good things to think about. I think I would feel kinda bad about trying to be like, "Hey, hon, why don't we find a project for you while I'm gone?" I am so lacking in tact that that is probably exactly how it would come out. Must. be. tactful.


I really wonder if I would be able to afford to still contribute. It's hard to gage what my liviing expenses would be. If I could send back money, that would definitely be helpful. I will have to think about that.


As to the vacation days, are you saying that any time you want to leave the country, even if I was just going to say, Austria, for a weekend, I would have to notify Fulbright, and I would only have 14 days total to spend outside the country? That is definitely something to think about. Since I am applying for an ETA, I was hoping that I might be able to do a bit more country hopping than full grantees might be able to. Not that it's really a problem, but it will definitely mean that I will really have to prioritize where I want to go. Or, stay and travel a bit after the fellowship is over.


And yesohmygod when are they going to air the next season of Sherlock? I know they've only JUST started filming the third season and it .





How am I supposed to use Sherlock to distract me from my anxiety about Fulbright if there aren't any new episodes?!


Tact! Hah! When you figure that one out please let me know. I swear I am the least tactful person. You can mask the lack of tact by calling it 'honesty' :-).


I was an ETA in France, not for Fulbright but under the same program Fulbright uses. School holidays, which thankfully come often, are all yours. Fulbright may have some shindigs or get togethers but generally holidays are exactly that - a holiday. I suspect Austria will be the same. We rented a car every holiday and drove all over the country and into neighboring countries. Just stay in Schengen nations and you will have no problem. Of course everything I am saying is from my experience in France but I suspect the programs are very similar. 


FYI: If you can find a past ETA to Austria and find out if they have ETA resources. If you aren't able to asses that I suggest you start preparing a syllabus and getting together lesson plans and materials. I was pretty shocked to find out how few resources they have in many of the schools and how little direction you will get. The first time I was an ETA I was responsible for English teaching in 2 junior high schools and I had about 150 students all told. The 2nd time I had 4 primary schools and about 200 little kids. In both cases I developed my own lessons. Because you are there as a supplement they generally expect that you are sort of a stand alone English provider. I hope that makes sense? Austria may be better put together than France though!


(Have you seen Unlocking Sherlock? That's kind of a fun supplement.)

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Figured I'd chime in on the conversation to give JLB some company as a Korea ETA candidate. Hoping for the best for everyone here.




I was hoping there'd be some out there...good to have some company! Best of luck to you and all of the other finalists!

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Tact! Hah! When you figure that one out please let me know. I swear I am the least tactful person. You can mask the lack of tact by calling it 'honesty' :-).


I was an ETA in France, not for Fulbright but under the same program Fulbright uses. School holidays, which thankfully come often, are all yours. Fulbright may have some shindigs or get togethers but generally holidays are exactly that - a holiday. I suspect Austria will be the same. We rented a car every holiday and drove all over the country and into neighboring countries. Just stay in Schengen nations and you will have no problem. Of course everything I am saying is from my experience in France but I suspect the programs are very similar. 


FYI: If you can find a past ETA to Austria and find out if they have ETA resources. If you aren't able to asses that I suggest you start preparing a syllabus and getting together lesson plans and materials. I was pretty shocked to find out how few resources they have in many of the schools and how little direction you will get. The first time I was an ETA I was responsible for English teaching in 2 junior high schools and I had about 150 students all told. The 2nd time I had 4 primary schools and about 200 little kids. In both cases I developed my own lessons. Because you are there as a supplement they generally expect that you are sort of a stand alone English provider. I hope that makes sense? Austria may be better put together than France though!


(Have you seen Unlocking Sherlock? That's kind of a fun supplement.)


there'sanappforthat is actually a finalist for the ETA Germany :)


I'm currently a TA in Austria, and you are right on about the lack of direction and few resources. I work at two grammar schools teaching upper secondary (basically high school) and between the two have over 300 students :blink: Kind of a nightmare, I know the names of less than 1/3 of them. However there's really no need to panic regarding starting to plan lessons. Obviously I only speak for Austria, but as I understand it, the format of the programs in Austria and Germany are almost the same. Teachers here (mostly) understand that we are not in any way trained teachers. Lessons are mainly conversational (the contract for us in Austria actually does not allow/make us teach grammar, and I believe that's the same in Germany) or informational about US-related topics, though there's always the teacher who wants you to do a lesson on something totally obscure that requires a lot of research. No need to worry until you're actually selected...and even then, you will have time and probably outgoing TAs as good resources, so don't worry.

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This might be way too obsessive, but it might be interesting/useful for people in future years if we document about what time notifications were received for each country in addition to the dates...

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This might be way too obsessive, but it might be interesting/useful for people in future years if we document about what time notifications were received for each country in addition to the dates...

I am totally okay with that! The waiting is driving me insane

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I am totally okay with that! The waiting is driving me insane

Haha I wonder if some random intern/secretary knows how closely they're being followed on the Internet

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Officially set my phone to give off a special alert for any emails received from fulbright. Hopefully I will stop checking so much now haha.

No offense, but this sounds like a horrible idea

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Officially set my phone to give off a special alert for any emails received from fulbright. Hopefully I will stop checking so much now haha.

How did you do that?



I have begun starting my morning with this cheer:

**Come on Fulbright, Gimme a P, Raa, Raa, Go Team Go!!**

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How did you do that?     I have begun starting my morning with this cheer: **Come on Fulbright, Gimme a P, Raa, Raa, Go Team Go!!**
If I did that I'd just be sitting there still checking this forum/my email constantly *and* worrying about the phone alarm...
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If I did that I'd just be sitting there still checking this forum/my email constantly *and* worrying about the phone alarm...


You DON'T? 



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This might be a little late in the game, but is this forum only for ETAs?  I have applied for the teacher exchange and am also anxiously awaiting news...anyone other teachers out there?

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This might be a little late in the game, but is this forum only for ETAs?  I have applied for the teacher exchange and am also anxiously awaiting news...anyone other teachers out there?


Not really, it's for all Fulbright Hopefuls, ETA or Full or whatever else. We have a few outside-slightly-related-programs too, like Austria's USTA program.


Basically, I would assume that if you're freaking out every second of every second, you're pretty much welcome to fret with us.


On that note, I let lip to my boyfriend the other day that I had evidence that the Fulbright letter might come any day, and he got very concerned. He said that I can't be worrying about this all the time, because it's going to drive me insane.


Um, Duh.

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