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CMU take out the trash day


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Looks like CMU just sent out its rejects. I got two, (RI and COS) :cry:

Once I didn't get the letter from RI when I knew they were already sent out, I pretty much knew it was over. So mine was not at all unexpected. Wish some place would let me in though, by clerical error or something.

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1600 applicants :shock:

That's caused by the fact that CMU SCS has some interdisciplinary programs such as robotics and HCI.

A lot of people with other engineering backgrounds (even art,too) apply to those probrmas (ex. ME, EE, BME, or Physics majors to Robotics, and art, or design to HCI).

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Hey, guys I was one of the many rejections but that was at the Machine Learning Department. I have applied to Computer Science too, but till now I haven't received anything. The problem is at the online system they say they have sent all decisions. Does anybody know anything on that or hasn't received his/her decision yet?

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Hey kryoneri18.

You may need to read the rejection email carefully.

As far as I know, no matter how many programs you applied to, the rejection notification is send out by scs in a single email.

I think the email may mention both of them.

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I've already thought about that, but you can read it too...:

>>I regret to inform you that we are unable to admit you to the Ph.D. in Machine Learning program at Carnegie Mellon. We received nearly 1600 applications this year. Our graduate >>programs can support only a limited number of new students. Unfortunately, we could admit only a fraction of the applicants, even though many more had strong qualifications.

>>We wish you the best in your future endeavors.

I don't think I'm missing something...Any other clue...?

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