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Is a MPP or MPA degree a realistic possibility for me?

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In addition to IR programs, I've been thinking about applying to MPP and MPA programs (HKS and WWS) but I am unsure about whether this is a realistic option for me. I'd appreciate any feedback.

My short bio:

I graduated cum laude with a degree in English literature from a top 5 school. My major GPA is around 3.78 although my GPA in general is around 3.5. The low grades are all in my first two years, when I was working two jobs and playing a varsity sport.

After graduation I spent a year in Indonesia as a Fulbright ETA but also did independent research on political Islam and published two articles, including one in a prestigious journal. I also published a piece of journalism on a minority group in Burma. After that I went to Somalia where I work as a field officer with a human rights organization in the morning and as a program development officer with an educational non-profit in the evening.

Finally, I have been talking with contacts in the ministry of planning and economic development about a two-month consulting gig that will start in the next few days, with any luck.

I return to the US in early August and I will hopefully be starting a RA position related to public policy when I do.

Is it worth applying to MPP/MPA programs? Would I be competitive at HKS or WWS with only this upcoming two-month gig that is strictly related to public policy/administration?

The IR programs I am leaning toward now are Tufts/Fletcher, Yale/Jackson, and Columbia/SIPA.

Thank you in advance for any advice.

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Here's my response: Are you f***ing kidding me? Yes, you have an outstanding background for HKS or WWS. Get a decently good gre score and you're golden. IR is apparently a lot more competitive and difficult to get appropriate experience but for MPP you've got everything you need but a GRE score and a SOP.

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Thank you for the vote of confidence. I feel that my lack of straight policy work is a hole in my background -- especially after looking at some profiles on the HKS website of people who spent years working in finance ministries before applying -- but I'll give it a shot.

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I think they pick people with ridiculously prestigious background for the websites for a variety of reasons, but bottom line it isn't representative of a typical admit. My theory with HKS is to make admits feel like they miraculously got in to make the high cost and low aid situation easier to swallow. I think WWS has a profile of every student that accepts though, and I'm more inclined to believe they only take the very best. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello all -

I'd like to ask your opinions on my stats as well... I tend to be overly critical of myself, but it's always hard to judge (especially, as you mentioned, based on the student profiles they highlight).

In short, I graduated in 2011 from a top 15 school with a 3.8 GPA/Phi Beta Kappa and major in International Studies. GRE scores were 800 Q, 600 V, and 5.5 W. I've spent the past year working in economic development/microfinance in SE Asia, and I expect to stay here for at least 8 more months. As an undergrad, I studied abroad 3 times in S. America, India, and W. Africa, and I speak Spanish and French well and Khmer conversationally.

I'm most interested in MPP at HKS or MPA at SIPA, but I'm still sorting through options for applications this fall.

Any advice is appreciated!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello all -

I'd like to ask your opinions on my stats as well... I tend to be overly critical of myself, but it's always hard to judge (especially, as you mentioned, based on the student profiles they highlight).

In short, I graduated in 2011 from a top 15 school with a 3.8 GPA/Phi Beta Kappa and major in International Studies. GRE scores were 800 Q, 600 V, and 5.5 W. I've spent the past year working in economic development/microfinance in SE Asia, and I expect to stay here for at least 8 more months. As an undergrad, I studied abroad 3 times in S. America, India, and W. Africa, and I speak Spanish and French well and Khmer conversationally.

I'm most interested in MPP at HKS or MPA at SIPA, but I'm still sorting through options for applications this fall.

Any advice is appreciated!

No you're not competitive at all. Why didn't you get a 4.0 GPA and and 800 on the verbal and at least a 6 on W. Probably need to speak 10 more languages and shoot fire out of your ass to be competitive.

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Hello all -

I'd like to ask your opinions on my stats as well... I tend to be overly critical of myself, but it's always hard to judge (especially, as you mentioned, based on the student profiles they highlight).

In short, I graduated in 2011 from a top 15 school with a 3.8 GPA/Phi Beta Kappa and major in International Studies. GRE scores were 800 Q, 600 V, and 5.5 W. I've spent the past year working in economic development/microfinance in SE Asia, and I expect to stay here for at least 8 more months. As an undergrad, I studied abroad 3 times in S. America, India, and W. Africa, and I speak Spanish and French well and Khmer conversationally.

I'm most interested in MPP at HKS or MPA at SIPA, but I'm still sorting through options for applications this fall.

Any advice is appreciated!

I think you'd be a shoe-in at SIPA, and would likely get into HKS.

Be warned, though, that while the HKS MPP is a top-notch policy program, it's nowhere near as international as it purports to be.

Yes, HKS as a whole sends as many students to international jobs as its peer institutions (as represented by the aggregated list of employers posted publicly on its website), the employment data disaggregated by program that they handed out at the Admitted Students' day reveals that the jobs in international org's are mostly from the MPA/ID and mid-career graduates, the latter of which I'm assuming were already in the field; the MPP employers for the last few years only included a few international organizations. I was frankly put back when I realized that they play up their IGA concentration to the point where it's their most popular concentration, when the employment prospects for students in the area isn't so great.

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So long as you construct your application well (good SOP and LORs) you should be an easy sell for those schools. I was wondering though, with your international focus why are you looking at MPP/MPA programs instead of MIP/MIA programs? Do you want to switch to a domestic focus? If you're continuing to look at international policy, especially economic development/finance, you should take a serious look at JHU-SAIS or Georgetown SFS.

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