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Fulbright 2009-2010


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I am in New York and no news came today from the Netherlands. I called Rachel Haskins and explained my situation about handing in a valedictorian essay. I could hear her turning pages about 10-15 (I wish I counted!) and she asked the name of my project and confirmed my address. She told me that my letter should arrive tomorrow but did not give me an answer. I'm so frustrated- This wait is horrible. I cannot concentrate on anything!

Would it be even remotely possible for a letter, sent from New York, to reach someone in New York and someone in Baltimore at the same time?

Did Rachel mention which day they sent the letters? There was a question as to whether it would be Wednesday afternoon or Thursday morning.

Well, Snowy Owl, best wishes to you if you do in fact hear today!

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No way. You're kidding. Maybe your mailman was attacked on his way over.

My god, I thought Rachel said letters going to New York would arrive today. This is a real bummer.

Yeah, no lie. I'm interested to see if anyone gets theirs.

The fact that they can't use email is unbelievable to me.

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I checked the mail 6 times today. The first five times there was nothing in my maibox, but that gave me hope that the mail had yet to be delivered and mail from the Fulbright with it. The 6th time I check, there was mail, including a large sized envelope. But nothing about the Fulbright. Sigh...soo disappointing. When I called Restrepo's office, they said the would mail out notifications on Wednesday. I was really, really, really hoping today would be it. :(

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I ran into my fellowship adviser today, and we were discussing the long Fulbright process. She said that IIE is very aware of the need to streamline things, and has been discussing ways to do it for years. So, I'm not so sure that a petition would really accomplish much. Hopefully, they'll figure things out in the years to come.

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I have found posts dating back to April 8 of ETAs mentioning receiving a letter from Fulbright Germany. Today, April 18, I finally received mine. TEN days after other people. We received an email from Fulbright Germany saying that all the letters were sent on April 1, and mine was too. I find this extremely annoying (I know it's not Fulbright's fault), but I'm just writing this to let people know that even if everyone else applying to your country receives something in the mail, you might have to wait a LONG time to receive yours!

18 days from Berlin to Texas is ridiculous.

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to any fellow non-winners: what are you doing now? I'm trying to find jobs or fellowships or internships or whatever in South or Southeast Asia (preferably South), but i'm having no luck. all the deadlines passed (and i didn't apply to them because, if given an offer, i would have been required to tell them before i heard back from IIE ...it sucks that the long wait makes the Fulbright all-eggs-in-one-basket). and everything i find is voluntary/unpaid, but i can't go if i don't have any means to pay room & board & to/from work travel expenses. does anyone have any ideas about where i can look?

note: if you're going to suggest teaching English, i have zero interest in doing that. i found lots of opportunities to do that, but i'm not the teaching type (for those of you looking for an alternative and want to teach English, check out Dave's ESL Cafe: http://www.eslcafe.com). i want to do work in rural energy development, preferably. or more broadly, sustainable development. i appreciate any and all suggestions!


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to any fellow non-winners: what are you doing now? I'm trying to find jobs or fellowships or internships or whatever in South or Southeast Asia (preferably South), but i'm having no luck. all the deadlines passed (and i didn't apply to them because, if given an offer, i would have been required to tell them before i heard back from IIE ...it sucks that the long wait makes the Fulbright all-eggs-in-one-basket). and everything i find is voluntary/unpaid, but i can't go if i don't have any means to pay room & board & to/from work travel expenses. does anyone have any ideas about where i can look?

note: if you're going to suggest teaching English, i have zero interest in doing that. i found lots of opportunities to do that, but i'm not the teaching type (for those of you looking for an alternative and want to teach English, check out Dave's ESL Cafe: http://www.eslcafe.com). i want to do work in rural energy development, preferably. or more broadly, sustainable development. i appreciate any and all suggestions!


Have you thought about the Peace Corps? They have a lot of opportunities in Southern Asia... it may be worth checking it out.

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I've been following this thread for the past week, getting anxious about the notification. I applied for a research grant to France. I haven't seen a lot of other people mention France, other than the one person who wrote that they had been told the notifications would be going out this week or next - I really hope that's the case!

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I've been following this thread for the past week, getting anxious about the notification. I applied for a research grant to France. I haven't seen a lot of other people mention France, other than the one person who wrote that they had been told the notifications would be going out this week or next - I really hope that's the case!

hi -- they were mailed on Thursday ( I have to respond to something else by Monday, so I've been going crazy between the two). Hopefully they should be here Monday or Tuesday.

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Found out I got the wait list of death today :( Poor friend had to tell me over the phone...sucks. I agree with everyone who was waitlisted..its just better to be rejected..I applied at last minute so I dont have a back up plan except saying at my same job...good luck to everyone else!

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Why is the waitlist worse? My thinking is that anxiety only builds when decisions are imminent, but they are not right now and won't be for a while. I take it that no one was freaking about Fulbright in December. Same thing here. Maybe when it's mid-June or something... just forget about it because you probably won't hear anything for a while, and you can be reasonably confident about that.

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Is someone gonna call Jonathan Akeley about HK ETA notification today? Regarding when he thinks our letters will be sent out? If possible, I think we should limit ourselves to one call a day between those of us here on this message board. I'm on the West Coast, so I'm a few hours behind the rest of you - anyone on the East Coast want to give it a shot?

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I just called Charles Restrepo's office about Sri Lanka. They said that they mailed out the letters on Friday of last week. When I called last week, they told me that they would 100% send it out on Wednesday. I'm not sure why they waited until Friday. I can't really complain because at least they've been sent out, but if I had known that they were sent out on Friday, I wouldn't have checked the mailbox 6 times on Saturday. Grrrr...more waiting, more waiting.

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