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Fulbright 2009-2010


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Hey there China contestants. I also spoke with Jonathan (who was approachable and understanding) and it's the FSB confirmations that are holding up the process, not the CSC forms (though perhaps they are somewhat connected). The IIE folks are trying to get final determinations by the end of this week, but don't have much control over their timeline. Incidentally, letters will be mailed to our Current Address, not Permanent. I agree that this process has been almost unbearable -- I just want to get on with my life!

Can anyone who has already received a notification from another country confirm that notifications have generally been mailed to Current Addresses, not Permanent Addresses? Just trying to figure out what mailbox I should be checking/having people check.

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I was really curious about that post grad issue as well. I'm graduating law school in a few weeks, and if this Netherlands Fulbright doesn't work out, I'm gonna have to scramble for employment. My impression is that each country would make its own choice as to types of applicants it wishes to attract.

I've also heard that prior time spent in the country can occasionally hurt chances. I spent three months in the Netherlands with the UN, its related to my proposal, but it may be a curse. I guess I'll find out soon enough.

I did a lot of research on this topic as a former high school exchange student to the Netherlands and current grant applicant to the same country. They stipulate that for it to be an issue, it would have to be an extensive amount of time, such as a year or more. Also, if you travelled there over five years ago or you learned a language that you otherwise would have had little opportunity to study, it is not a factor in their decision.

While I did spend a year in NL, it was over five years ago and I did learn Dutch...because my proposal includes extensive archival research, I'm hoping that they view my experience as an advantage. Speaking of proposals, mine involves archival research in Amsterdam and Den Haag regarding sexual/racial/national rhetoric during the late colonial period. My affiliates are at UvA. I hope this all ends well for us, and that it ends very, very soon (the waiting part, that is).

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For those waiting on China, I just heard the following from Janet in Beijing:

"I have heard rumors that the grant announcements will be made this week, but I can't confirm that. Hang tight. Hopefully you will get word soon."

(the same rumors we've been hearing from Jonathan, I suppose. -- But, I don't know how much tighter I can hang, haha)

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I'm also waiting to hear from the Netherlands - I want to study cross-disciplinary relationships between technology and the arts at the STEIM foundation, and also cultivate an avant-garde digital arts collective in Amsterdam. Last year I was a finalist, hoping against all hope that I'll go all the way this time. This has been a dream of mine for years. :)

I am in New York so I will post as soon as I know. My proposal is in medical research for Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam. What discipline and where is everyone elses proposals for?

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I also received notification today that I will be a ETA in South Africa for 2010! I actually only received an information sheet on Malaria, but called Jermaine to confirm I should have gotten some kind of packet. It was nerve-wracking getting a small envelope instead of a manila, but I am so excited! Anyone else ETA in South Africa?! I am anxious/excited about it being the first year for our positions... although I don't know yet which university I'll be at. Did the manila packets have that information?

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Recently notified that I won an ETA grant to Spain. I'm thinking about declining to start my PhD instead ... Dumb idea?

You might see if you can leverage the Fulbright into your PhD program - for example, use the time abroad for research, and enter the program on your return. Or, you could ask for a deferral...

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Still waiting on notification for a research grant to Hungary. This is becoming a bit painful ...

No news yet from Italy. I had to finish everything up for FAFSA for grad school stuff which was very stressful to do last minute. Everyone else from my school who applied already heard back (Russia and Vietnam).

Painful indeed...

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Like so many others it seems, I couldn't take the wait any longer and contacted Rachel Holskin, the coordinator for Fulbright Europe (except Germany) , regarding notification time for Hungary Fulbright Applicants. I got something of a strange answer though ... She told me that 5 people had been confirmed for grants and that their letters would be going out this week, however the others would not be contacted yet. Hungary is supposed to have a total of 8 Full Grants available according to the Fulbright website. I asked her how many grants she expected to be awarded and she said between 7-8. This makes me a bit confused.

Is it typical for the FSB to not make primary decisions on a country all at once? From the previous posts on the board, it seemed like all applicants to a specific country normally hear about their status around the same time. Does anyone have any insight here?

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Like so many others it seems, I couldn't take the wait any longer and contacted Rachel Holskin, the coordinator for Fulbright Europe (except Germany) , regarding notification time for Hungary Fulbright Applicants. I got something of a strange answer though ... She told me that 5 people had been confirmed for grants and that their letters would be going out this week, however the others would not be contacted yet. Hungary is supposed to have a total of 8 Full Grants available according to the Fulbright website. I asked her how many grants she expected to be awarded and she said between 7-8. This makes me a bit confused.

Is it typical for the FSB to not make primary decisions on a country all at once? From the previous posts on the board, it seemed like all applicants to a specific country normally hear about their status around the same time. Does anyone have any insight here?

No real insights to give... but perhaps this is what Cara Wolinsky meant when she said in a mass email to Critical Language Enhancement Award applicants that notifications this year are happening on a rolling basis. I had thought that that meant CLEA are on a rolling notification, but perhaps some countries are doing rolling notifications for grants?

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Just out of curiosity, could anyone who has already received notification list the location the notification was received at and how many days the letter took to arrive after it was postmarked? Particularly anyone in the Southeast.

Thanks, and congrats to all of ya'll who've gotten the good news.

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for those of you who are alternates (or who might later receive alternate status):

the Fulbright advisor at my university said that alternates have about a 1/3 chance of actually getting the grant.

good luck to everyone! i hope you all get better news than i did.

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for those of you who are alternates (or who might later receive alternate status):

the Fulbright advisor at my university said that alternates have about a 1/3 chance of actually getting the grant.

good luck to everyone! i hope you all get better news than i did.

That's pretty good news...the wait would be the hardest part.

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Just out of curiosity, could anyone who has already received notification list the location the notification was received at and how many days the letter took to arrive after it was postmarked? Particularly anyone in the Southeast.

Thanks, and congrats to all of ya'll who've gotten the good news.

Not from the Southeast, but from the Northwest. It would probably take just as long if not longer to reach me. Anyway, it was postmarked April 9th and I got it on April 13th. Not that bad, actually. Hope this helps...

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