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Dear All, I received an E-mail from Guelph requesting my master degree transcript to be able to provide an offer letter after evaluating the master transcripts , although they mentioned a month ago that they have all required documents to decide ??

My university in Egypt doesnot provide master transcript ,they just can issue a letter saying that i have passed the required pre-master courses without grades or marks????


Master degree wasnot a requirement for entery ??

What do you think ???


Am I going to loose my chance ???

please advise

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Has anybody applied to Western MPH (Schulich Interfaculty Program in Public Health)?


I've been accepted into Waterloo MPH and am waiting to hear back from Western, and just wondering if anyone has thoughts on the Western program?



I was initially interested in applying to the Western MPh program. As you probably know, fall 2013 will be their first class ever. I spoke to Diane Lee, who gave me a lot of information about the program...Unlike most MPH programs in the country, Western's program is only one year. It is a general program (ie. no streams to choose from) and is HIGHLY, HIGHLY based on a case method of learning. From what Diane told me, accepted students wil be divided into different learning groups. During the week, mornings will be spent in class and the afternoons will be spent on discussion of a case study that was assigned the previous day. You will work very closely witih your learning group and each group is actually given their own office which they can "personalize." All MPH classes will be held in one building, which will include a lounge area and the learning group offices...The deal breaker for me here was the price tag. The tuition for this one year program is approximately $27, 000 (!!) I would have had to move out to London to attend, so there was no way that was happening. Diane spoke a lot about neat field trips they were hoping to take during the year and several opportunities for international practicums. They were looking to take around 30 students.


Hope this helps.

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Has anybody applied to Western MPH (Schulich Interfaculty Program in Public Health)?


I've been accepted into Waterloo MPH and am waiting to hear back from Western, and just wondering if anyone has thoughts on the Western program?


I did not apply to the Western MPH but I would be interested in the feedback about the program after the first cohort has graduated.  The cost and the fact that I would have to quit my job to attend were the major deterrents for me.  Also, I think the program is focused more on international health and I am more interested in population health of Canadians.  It sounds like a unique and exciting MPH program so I wish you luck in making a decision :)

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Please if u are not going to UVic, remember to decline the offer. I haven't heard from them and this wait is becoming worrisome. They said that the committee is still reviewing my application, so I guess they are waiting for people to decline before they can offer more group admission. IF YOU GOT ACCEPTED IN UVIC BUT NOT GOING TO ATTEND, PLEASE KINDLY DECLINE. Thanks. :)

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UTH90 - I just checked my online application status and I did not get in, but I sitll have not recieved an email.

Sorry about that Kmila. :( Do you think there was ever a wait list this year? I never heard they placed anyone on wait list.

Edited by Cima
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UTH90 - I just checked my online application status and I did not get in, but I sitll have not recieved an email.


Oh :( ...I am sorry about that... So what does your application status say now? Mine is still the same as it was when I submitted the application- " No Offer has been made..." and no email,  either. I had hoped for some response by today, I still feel nervous, despite the fact that all indications are that I am not going through this one too...


I am glad you have Edinburg on your side- have you made up your mind yet to attend in the UK? I guess its time to dust off the SFU "ordeal" and move on, painful as it is.. Best wishes in future endeavours!

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Oh :( ...I am sorry about that... So what does your application status say now? Mine is still the same as it was when I submitted the application- " No Offer has been made..." and no email,  either. I had hoped for some response by today, I still feel nervous, despite the fact that all indications are that I am not going through this one too...


I am glad you have Edinburg on your side- have you made up your mind yet to attend in the UK? I guess its time to dust off the SFU "ordeal" and move on, painful as it is.. Best wishes in future endeavours!

My application just has a red X beside it and it states " your application has been cancelled, we regret to inform you that your application was not approved"


I will be attending Edinburgh, finalized that this morning and am really excited.


As for your last post - they would be silly not to accept you with your background. I wish you so much luck in your persuit of an MPH!!

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I have declined UVic's offer - MPH (Social Policy) distance learning. 

Oh really, am sure your decline will get someone in. I guess you will be going to SFU. A friend of mine got a graduate fellowship yesterday from SFU MPH program. What about you? Have you got any funding yet from SFU?

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Oh really, am sure your decline will get someone in. I guess you will be going to SFU. A friend of mine got a graduate fellowship yesterday from SFU MPH program. What about you? Have you got any funding yet from SFU?


No, I haven't heard anything about funding yet. But, I doubt I will get any as my stats arent that competitive...


I am sure it will as they will want a full class and all the money they can get from everyone paying tuition!! I have been wait listed at Queen's but I am not holding my breath there. I also havent heard back from 3 other schools I applied to.  SFU does not need an answer until April 22nd for me so there is still time until then. 


Good luck to you Cima and I hope you hear from Uvic soon. 

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My application just has a red X beside it and it states " your application has been cancelled, we regret to inform you that your application was not approved"


I will be attending Edinburgh, finalized that this morning and am really excited.


As for your last post - they would be silly not to accept you with your background. I wish you so much luck in your persuit of an MPH!!


So happy for you Kmila...and thanks a lot! I am sure something will work out for me  too, what ever the case! Best wishes with Edinburg, you will ever be proud of that degree, no doubt! 

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No, I haven't heard anything about funding yet. But, I doubt I will get any as my stats arent that competitive...


I am sure it will as they will want a full class and all the money they can get from everyone paying tuition!! I have been wait listed at Queen's but I am not holding my breath there. I also havent heard back from 3 other schools I applied to.  SFU does not need an answer until April 22nd for me so there is still time until then. 


Good luck to you Cima and I hope you hear from Uvic soon. 

Ok. you really have a wide range of options to choose from. Thank you. I wish you good luck too.

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For those accepted to the U of A, has the decision status changed on your beartracks??


Or for those that have been rejected, did it change or does it still say decision pending?


Mine still says decision pending : /


Thanks for the info :)

Edited by MPH Hopeful
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For those accepted to the U of A, has the decision status changed on your beartracks??


Or for those that have been rejected, did it change or does it still say decision pending?


Mine still says decision pending : /


Thanks for the info :)


Hey MPH Hopeful,


I haven't heard anything back from U of A yet and my beartracks still says decision pending. I'm not sure if that means it's a rejection and they still have to send out the letter? Has everyone whose applied to U of A been notified. I applied to the global health stream!

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UofA is seriously a joke and the most unreliable this 2013 applicant season! I spoke to the yesterday and they said all descisions and letters will be sent out before April 30th! My beartracks says "this application requires action" and I called them to ask if they didn't get my documents. They said they did and my application is in review and I should pay no attention to bear tracks. Like how hard is it to update beartracks. I don't get it seriously!! It's super frustrating and unreliable.

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UofA is seriously a joke and the most unreliable this 2013 applicant season! I spoke to the yesterday and they said all descisions and letters will be sent out before April 30th! My beartracks says "this application requires action" and I called them to ask if they didn't get my documents. They said they did and my application is in review and I should pay no attention to bear tracks. Like how hard is it to update beartracks. I don't get it seriously!! It's super frustrating and unreliable.

I agree with you on this. U of A hasn't been the greatest this cycle at getting responses back to applicants. A friend of mine that is finished the program 2 yrs ago in Epi also agrees with this and says it hasn't changed. I am not sure why that is. 


My status says it is complete and decision pending. But if yours says action required, yet, they have all of your documents, they must be overloaded with applications and trying to get back to people if they haven't even changed it on bear tracks. 

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I got an email from the UofA saying I was accepted on april 3 but beartracks hasn't changed. In the email they said after April 15 if there is any spots open they will let the next round of applicants know. Hope that helps

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I got an email from the UofA saying I was accepted on april 3 but beartracks hasn't changed. In the email they said after April 15 if there is any spots open they will let the next round of applicants know. Hope that helps
For what stream?
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For those accepted to the U of A, has the decision status changed on your beartracks??


Or for those that have been rejected, did it change or does it still say decision pending?


Mine still says decision pending : /


Thanks for the info :)

Mine is decision pending still too... I can't wait for the wait to be over!

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