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Small luxuries


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So I'm finding that having "small luxuries" can go a long way in grad school. There are some things that cost 10-20 dollars but make your day to day life markedly more pleasant.

Im really into this milk foamer: http://www.amazon.com/HIC-Brands-That-Cook-004/dp/B0002KZUNA/ref=sr_1_1?s=home-garden&ie=UTF8&qid=1349020165&sr=1-1&keywords=milk+foamer

I froth up my milk before adding it to my coffee...I hardly miss buying lattes and such anymore. A twenty dollar investment that makes me feel like a princess!

Do you guys have any favorite small luxuries?

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A little more expensive, but I have a Japanese rice cooker. I love it since I can set it in the morning and have rice ready when I get home. (Plus it's yummy sushi rice. :D) It also has a cake function, so I can make cakes and breads! Probably the only expensive thing in my apartment aside from my computer.

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Also more expensive, but I have a breadmaker which I love. It's great to be able to make yummy bread with nuts and seeds, or olives, or whatever.

As for small luxuries, I'm planning to buy an electric kettle and a teapot for my office so I can stay warm with tea all winter!

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This is a bit more than "small" ($100) but my burr coffee grinder is wonderful. It has a bin of beans and I electronically select how many cups I want to make. I've used it every day for years, totally worth the convenience and flavour.

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Good, expensive coffee beans from my hometown, and good microbrews. Also a subscription to my favorite magazine- it's quarterly, but it gives me a break from reading grad school specific texts and is always a highlight when it arrives in the mail!

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Also more expensive, but I have a breadmaker which I love. It's great to be able to make yummy bread with nuts and seeds, or olives, or whatever.

As for small luxuries, I'm planning to buy an electric kettle and a teapot for my office so I can stay warm with tea all winter!

We have the same luxuries. Bread machine is so awesome. Throw some ingredients in, and fresh bread in a few hours. Also good for pizza dough.

Love my electric tea kettle. Not just for tea, but also for quickly boiling water for rice or pasta (or whatever else). I also keep one in my office for when I'm starving and want to make myself ramen noodles.

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A shiatsu-style massage pillow! I got one off eBay for ~$25 that is amazing for back and shoulders and *almost* rough enough for my feet (gentle massages do nothing for me). I've had it 3+ years now and it's still going strong, so I can't say enough good things about it.

It's too awkward to use it for my neck, unfortunately, so if anyone has recommendations for a good shiatsu *neck* massager, that would be much appreciated.

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