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GRE 313, 4.5 | ACADS 60% | WHAT TO DO?


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Hi all!

I'm a student from India, currently pursuing a Bachelor of Engineering degree in Information Technology. I'm looking to pursue a Master's degree in Computer Science, hopefully beginning Fall 2013. I took the GRE this month, and here are my scores: 313 (V155, Q158), AWA 4.5.

Coming to my acads, here, in my University, we are given marks for each course, and not a GPA or a CGPA. According to that, my aggregate until the end of third year (sixth sem) is 60%. I'm not sure how grad schools convert this to GPA either, so any help here would be appreciated too. I have two more semesters left, and can increase my final aggregate to maybe 61-62 at the most.

I don't have any major extra curriculars, apart from participating in a few workshops related to our coursework. In addition, I have a considerable amount of backlogs (a backlog in my country is a course you failed to clear in the first attempt, and had to retake it; each retake is considered a backlog). I have 22 of them. I know it's pathetic.

So my questions on the whole are:

1. Should I even apply for MS?

2. Is my profile good enough to apply?

3. If no to the above, what can I do to improve?

4. I've got suggestions from people to apply to the following univs, and that these might be safe for my profile:

Univ of New Orleans

Univ of Houston, Clear Lake

Univ of Texas, Tyler

Univ of Texas, Arlington

I'll be very grateful if anyone can help me out. Thanks in advance!



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Well, I am not a student of Comp Sci, but if I were you, I would firstly go through the requirements on department webpages, and look at the International equivalents to the US degrees. After that I would apply...

If you have time to retake the GRE, try to increase both the scores to 160's.

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