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University of Nebraska - Lincoln Timeline

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I suppose there is probably Greyhound to these cities, but I don't own a car (never have, never plan to), so 45 minutes and 3 hours are a bit far for me. I suppose I should have been clear that this was relative to my transportation options, but thanks for clarifying.

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To those of you with acceptances:

Have you found anything out about funding? If so, when? Also, when was this in relation to the standard email from the dept of grad studies about your acceptance? I talked with (a very nice) someone today who said that we should be contacted through email about funding and if we haven't heard then we're probably on a waitlist for it. (Of course, we get the relief from terrible waiting in the form of an accpetance and then it starts all over again!) I just got my email from the grad studies dept hours ago, so, since I finally have a little bit of hope and optimism again, I don't really want to have to throw it out the window just yet along with funding.

So, what emails have you all received?

And congrats to everyone!

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Friday the 13th and the joke's on me. So I got my letter from Nebraska in the mail today and it looks like I got in without a TAship- though I could possibly get one (yay, more waiting in agony... ).

Back under the bell jar. I feel like an idiot for the last two days I spent all giddy.

Who could afford to go without funding? I can't help but hope lots of people don't want to move to tornado capital USA.

I hope y'all got better news than me...

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Upon reviewing their web site, they do mention that funding is not available for all Ph.D. students who request it, and that was probably written before the budget crunches that are likely to further reduce their funding. Lincoln was already a toss-up for me so if I don't get funding (and I have not received any word on it yet) I will most definitely not be accepting. In some ways this would actually simplify the decision making process, although it does burn a little to be admitted and then find out you aren't funded. It feels like they just want you around to help defray the costs of funding their highly preferred students.

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Has anyone heard anything further regarding funding? I saw some one posted on the results page, and I was curious to hear any further details. Hopefully some one has some good news!

I e-mailed yesterday and was told this morning that the DGS has already made the first round of funding offers. She said that funding will not be available to everyone and that "there is a good chance" that funding will not be offered, so I should go ahead and accept any other funded offers I have. I'm writing off UNL as I didn't want to live in Lincoln and it sounds like funding would be shaky from year to year (no guarantees), which would be pointless for me to pursue.

Good luck!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Has anyone heard anything else about funding for the phd? The DGS told me in an email awhile back that financial info would be available by the 14th or 15th... but it was a very vague email and gave no indication of how they would contact people or how the processe even works.

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They told me early on that it would be wise to accept other funded offers, so I assumed there was a slim chance of funding. I declined their offer several days ago (with funding still up in the air, but doubtful) so I have not heard anything since. Good luck.

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