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Backup Recommendation?


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I had a great reference lined up but unfortunately I cannot get in touch with her despite numerous emails, phone calls, linked in messages etc and my deadline is in 3 days. She agreed to do it and I have sent all the information twice but never received any confirmation that she received it.

So, now I'm faced with having 2 days to secure another letter my options arent great.

I'm applying to MSW programs and I could either get my supervisor from a volunteer position I held at a crisis hotline. She has since left the company (therefore no official title) but has known me over a year.

Or my current boss, after volunteering at the hotline I was offered an admin position but it's only administrative work and my boss has only worked with me for 4 months, but she is an Executive Director of the whole non-profit.

Which sounds like they would be the stronger letter? I'm confident both would say very positive things about me.

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