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  On 12/12/2012 at 10:22 PM, dazedandbemused said:

Nothing hurts worse than people who watch Doctor Who and respond with a barely enthusiastic "meh".

FAVORITE DOCTOR EVERYONE GO: Eleven. Love you, Matt Smith. Even though the show got pretty derailed lately.


I know, I know. It's trendy, but ten was my first, and he'll always be my favorite.

Or can I choose Doctor Donna? Only a doctor for ten minutes or so, but what a glorious ten minutes they were!


I still love Christopher Eccleston so much; I don't care if he's unpopular. David Tennant is probably my least favorite but I try not to say that in public because the other fangirls would probably stone me on the spot.

  On 12/13/2012 at 2:21 AM, proflorax said:

Guess who is lobbying to be Twelve? Helen Fricken' Mirren. I know that's probably never going to happen, but just thinking about it gives me a nerdgasm.

Um, that's officially wins the prize for awesomest thing I've seen today. I think we can all agree that it is totally time for a woman doctor. Twelve just has to be either a woman or a ginger, no two ways about it.

  On 12/12/2012 at 11:02 PM, lisajay said:

wait wait wait. the ending, or the coda? cos the ending was just perfect to me. & the coda... i just try to pretend didn't happen. i actually was tempted to rip those pages out of the book & never read them. but i didn't, & i still sort of regret that decision.

Umm... pretty much all of book 7, and good bits of 6 as well. I was like, "Wait, where is this going? Uh oh. Uh oh... NOOOOOOO."

The French Mistake (facepalm)


@bfat ahhh, ok. yeah, fair enough. i still think the ending-ending was perfect, but you're absolutely right that leading up to it, there's quite a bit of frustration & hair-pulling along the way. won't say more at the risk of spoilers, but i think i dig what you're shoveling.

@datatape dolores claiborne is fantastic. dust bunnies... *shiver*


[procrastinating] working on my last paper before winter break officially begins. le sigh...


Yup. I'm kinda bummed there isn't more happening on this board because this paper is driving me bananas and I clearly need help procrastinating. I've got like 500 pages of source material all over my desk and 6 pages written. Wheeee!


I did have a lovely bit of distraction today sitting in my office and watching as my students kept sprinting across the quad toward my building, trying to beat the deadline to hand in their final portfolios.



Word! I was home sick today due to a wicked cold, and I spent the day blowing my nose, watching old Doctor Who specials, and refreshing this page. Because I'm a winner!

  On 12/18/2012 at 5:53 PM, rising_star said:

Something to read for all the Buffy fans out there: http://www.pajiba.co...er-part-iii.php

Um, I just cried looking at this.

The part where Xander hugs Willow back from evil... *sniffle*

And Randy Giles. (I have *coughroughly75cough* Buffy action figures and Randy Giles was the first one I bought.)

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