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The Curse Of Winter Break

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Guess who is lobbying to be Twelve? Helen Fricken' Mirren. I know that's probably never going to happen, but just thinking about it gives me a nerdgasm.

Um, that's officially wins the prize for awesomest thing I've seen today. I think we can all agree that it is totally time for a woman doctor. Twelve just has to be either a woman or a ginger, no two ways about it.

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wait wait wait. the ending, or the coda? cos the ending was just perfect to me. & the coda... i just try to pretend didn't happen. i actually was tempted to rip those pages out of the book & never read them. but i didn't, & i still sort of regret that decision.

Umm... pretty much all of book 7, and good bits of 6 as well. I was like, "Wait, where is this going? Uh oh. Uh oh... NOOOOOOO."

The French Mistake (facepalm)

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@bfat ahhh, ok. yeah, fair enough. i still think the ending-ending was perfect, but you're absolutely right that leading up to it, there's quite a bit of frustration & hair-pulling along the way. won't say more at the risk of spoilers, but i think i dig what you're shoveling.

@datatape dolores claiborne is fantastic. dust bunnies... *shiver*

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Yup. I'm kinda bummed there isn't more happening on this board because this paper is driving me bananas and I clearly need help procrastinating. I've got like 500 pages of source material all over my desk and 6 pages written. Wheeee!

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Something to read for all the Buffy fans out there: http://www.pajiba.co...er-part-iii.php

Um, I just cried looking at this.

The part where Xander hugs Willow back from evil... *sniffle*

And Randy Giles. (I have *coughroughly75cough* Buffy action figures and Randy Giles was the first one I bought.)

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