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Anyone Want To Make Bets On Where Other People Will Get In?


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Undergraduate: University of Arkansas

Major: Dual degree in Mechanical Eng. & Physics

Minor: Mathematics

Undergrad GPA: 3.62 (4.0 for past 50 hours)

GRE: 165Q 153V 4.5AW


1 summer Iowa - Combustion Lab

1 summer Purdue - Computational Aerodynamics

1 year at Arkansas - Experimental Aerodynamics

Conference at Iowa, Ohio State, Purdue, Arkansas

No publications yet


1) Heat Exchanger for ducted fan rotary engine plane

2) Design of complete ramjet engine for propulsion class


1) First generation student (first to attend college on either side of the family for several generations)

2) Multi-racial


1) Earned 10 scholarships in past 3 years

2) Dean's and Chancellor's List for 2 years

3) Earned 22k in scholarships for final year


1) Pi Tau Sigma chapter president and VP last year

2) AIAA chapter president and treasurer last year

3) Alpha Phi Omega past chapter treasurer

- 150 community service hours

- Raised $1500

4) ASME and SPS student member

Applying to aerospace programs

Stanford University - MS

University of Michigan - PhD

Georgia Tech. - PhD

Purdue - PhD

Applying to mechanical programs

Illinois - MS

Colorado - PhD


Great job!! Double majoring in Aerospace Engineering and Physics is incredible, especially given such a high GPA.


I would guess you would get into both mechanical programs and 2 of the 4 aerospace programs. Best of luck!!

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If anyone feels like it!

BS: Biomedical Engineering / Biophysics

MS: Electrical Engineering (Signal Processing); MS Thesis in Low Energy Nuclear Reactions

GPA: 3.6 undergraduate, 3.5 graduate

GRE: 168Q / 155V (english is my 2nd language)

Full-ride for undergraduate and graduate programs and 2 graduate research assistantships 


- Several research positions in Nuclear Physics (High and Low Energy Nuclear Reactions), Biomedical Engineering, and Electrochemistry.

- 2 publications and 2 conferences presentations

- Undergraduate Teaching Assistant in Biology and Graduate Teaching Assistant for the Biomedical Engineering Summer Scholars program

 - Currently work as an Electrical/Instrumentation & Control Engineer for a nuclear power contracting firm.



Applied to a few Biomedical/Biological Physics, Systems Biology, and Electrical Engineering (with a Computational Biology focus) programs.


The schools are:

- Baylor College of Medicine

- Stanford


- UC Berkeley

- UC San Diego

- UC Los Angeles


- U. Illinois Urbana-Champaign

- U Florida

- UC Irvine

- U. Washington

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I looked at this and went, "I'm done for!"


Amal, the only thing that I could see keeping you from admits across the board would be research fit. It'll come down to how you presented your research intentions and how well the available professors match up. I think you're going to have a seriously fun Spring and end up with the kind of dilemma we're all hoping for: Do I go with Stanford, or MIT? Hmmm.

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Undergrad: UT Austin, Aerospace Engineering (Top ten for my degree)


    GRE: 166Q/165V/4AR


Internships: 2 summers at NASA JSC, 6 months at NASA JPL, 2 summers at Air Force Research Labs, 5 months at SpaceX

Research: 3 semesters in a satellite design lab working on two satellites (one of which just won an Air Force Competition for a launch)


LOR: three solid letters, two from professors, one from my boss at AFRL this past sumer


Applied: (All top 10 in my field)

Georgia Tech (I have been talking to a professor for the past few months)

MIT (One of my LOR wrote personal letters to the Provost and President about me because they went to MIT together)



Illinois at UC




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Applying for PhD in Environmental Policy/ Env Resource management & sustainability


Undergrad: One of the top Univs in India

Masters: OSU (Env. Eng)

GPA: 3.8

GRE: 161/162/4


5 years work experience as Env Eng

Registered Professional Engineer in US


Published case study in USEPA Manual


Volunteer mentor with Engineers without Borders


Schools applied to: Stanford EIPER, Yale FES, UT- Austin LBJ, UBC IRES

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Undergrad: UT Austin, Aerospace Engineering (Top ten for my degree)


    GRE: 166Q/165V/4AR


Internships: 2 summers at NASA JSC, 6 months at NASA JPL, 2 summers at Air Force Research Labs, 5 months at SpaceX

Research: 3 semesters in a satellite design lab working on two satellites (one of which just won an Air Force Competition for a launch)


LOR: three solid letters, two from professors, one from my boss at AFRL this past sumer


Applied: (All top 10 in my field)

Georgia Tech (I have been talking to a professor for the past few months)

MIT (One of my LOR wrote personal letters to the Provost and President about me because they went to MIT together)



Illinois at UC


I would not be surprised if you got into all of them!! Truly Amazing work! And SpaceX is a great choice!

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Well this seems like as good a way to pass the time as any. Although I feel like I'm setting myself up for judgement.  :P


Undergraduate Institution: Evergreen State College (liberal arts college), 2 degrees (Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics and Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry)

GPA: N/A (Narrative Evaluations, no GPA)

GRE: 164 Q (90th Percentile), 165 V (95th Percentile), 4.0 AW (49th Percentile ugh...)


*Published a paper in the Journal of Double Star Observations


*Founded and led an astronomy club at my college.


*Helped a professor at my college write a grant proposal that got some money awarded



Applying to Earth and Space Science programs focusing my research interests on astrobiology and early paleontology at:


University of Washington

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Applying for:

PhD in Applied Linguistics at University of Georgia, Georgia State, Georgetown

PhD in Linguistic Anthro at NYU

PhD in Educational Linguistics at UPenn

MA Applied Linguistics at UMass and at BU


BA Anthropology with Italian minor from state school

3.96 GPA, top of class in Anthro

Currently a Fulbright English Teaching Assistant in Rome

5 years of ESOL teaching experience and a TEFL certificate since 2007

2 study abroad programs (one in Germany and one in Italy)

chapter to be published in TESOL Quarterly publication in 2013

GRE scores 161 verbal (86%), 154 math (60%), 5.0 writing (92%)


I have no idea what to expect!

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I'm not going to try to predict the results for anyone else because i'm a really poor judge of these things (seems kind of like a crap shoot to me).


GPA: 3.81

GRE: Q160/V158/AW4.5

BA from OSU


Worked while in school, several internships, honors thesis, scholarships and awards, etc.


American Studies Programs...

Washington State University 

University of Wyoming MA


Brown (MA in Public Humanities)


Anthropology (cultural/sociocultural/cultural forms/etc.)...

UT Austin

Columbia University


University of Chicago

University of Michigan (Anthro & History)


Comparative Studies in Discourse and Society...

University of Minnesota


Communications Studies...

University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill


Almost all of them are PhD programs.  I'm bound to get in somewhere, right?

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cGPA: 3.3

GRE: 80th percentile (i forget the scores off-hand)

Undergrad: McGill

Papers: 10 (all peer reviewed journals, impact factor > 2)

Patents: 2 (both utility)

Research Experience: 3 years in 3 different labs (all simultaneously)

Undergrad. Program: Chemical Engineering & Biomedical Engineering (5-years)

Applying for: MSc in BME

LORs: five professors, all pristine








Waiting for admission decisions is incredibly stressful; nothing really helps except receiving the decision. I have found that looking at CVs of students admitted to the colleges I was applying to helped me have realistic expectations (kind of, I still worried a lot.)

I went to graduate programs and found names of graduate students. Sometimes their CVs were at the college’s website, but if their CV wasn’t there, I usually found it on LinkedIn. Or I went to department websites and got names of students who had won awards ... LinkedIn.

Now in grad school at Cal Tech- yes dreams come true, yours will, too- I can see that experience seems to be weighted more than GPA- your experience is exceptional and your 3.3 is plenty strong enough to gain admission to all of them which I bet you will see.

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I think this could be fun! Just put down your basic stats and where you applied, and we can all bet where each one of us will get in! It's a very crude way of getting out some of the anxiety about applications (at least I think it is).

I shall start:

GPA 3.6; GREs 169V, 157M, 5AW; Undergrad @ Ivy number 4 (roughly).

Applied to: 4 Ivies, 2 top-ranked state schools, 2 non-Ivy top 10's

My own bet on myself: I'll get into 2 programs: The one where I'm doing my Master's, and one other. I don't know which. Maybe one of the state schools.

Hard to respond because marks are only part of the admission decision- jobs, internships, research, papers, conference presentations, awards ... 

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I think this could be fun! Just put down your basic stats and where you applied, and we can all bet where each one of us will get in! It's a very crude way of getting out some of the anxiety about applications (at least I think it is).

I shall start:

GPA 3.6; GREs 169V, 157M, 5AW; Undergrad @ Ivy number 4 (roughly).

Applied to: 4 Ivies, 2 top-ranked state schools, 2 non-Ivy top 10's

My own bet on myself: I'll get into 2 programs: The one where I'm doing my Master's, and one other. I don't know which. Maybe one of the state schools.

We need more information- brief summary of things like jobs, internships, research, papers, conference presentations, awards ...

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