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ASU Notifications

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From what I can tell, the first Arizona State acceptance was posted earlier this afternoon. This person received a phone call from a professor. I saw on my.asu.edu that 1) my status is still "in review" (I suspect they're slow to update hundreds of profiles) and 2) their spring break is NEXT WEEK. So, that gives us Friday and, if we're lucky, the weekend, for potential news on our status. I doubt I got in, but I'd like to know for sure.

Anyone with more juicy details on acceptance or rejection from ASU please let us know so we know what to expect or look for. I'm very curious if they are in the process of updating our status online or if they are more worried about calling or sending out postal rejections.

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Never mind, I now have the resources to answer my own questions.

Dear Spritely. I just checked my.asu.edu and noticed that my status was updated today, showing that I was not admitted to the program. Hopefully this helps, and good luck to everyone else.




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  • 2 weeks later...

That must be quite a pile. I liked how ASU was the example of schools that are having huge budget problems in the recent NY Times article on the subject. OK, I didn't like it...but it did make me less confident about the availablity of funding there.

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I emailed the graduate coordinator yesterday and she responded today and told me that I was put on the wait list, but she couldn't tell me where I am on the list and that she would find out and let me know. For some reason they have made all the decisions, but have been slow getting out notifications.

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So, 'in review' might not necessarily mean on the wait list on the website, it might mean there's a decision, they just haven't actually updated the website status yet?

I'm having deja vu to last year, when I was in the exact same position.


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At least you people made the wait list. I was rejected outright, and I thought the program was one of my better fits.

I love how the e-mail is entitled "ASU Deny Letter." Why bother filling in the body of the e-mail after that point?

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I just got an "ASU Admit Letter" from the applied lingustics program (I applied to 2 programs at ASU), but I remain in waitlist limbo (i.e., "maybe you're on the waitlist?") with the English dept.

EDIT: I've withdrawn my application - hope this helps other waitlisters!

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I got an acceptance email on March 24, no other info yet in the mail or anywhere else. I have called and emailed, no answers, and I know it's not spring break. I'm still holding out hope for a GA position.

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