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Mfa sculpture/ new genres


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Anyone applying to sculpture or new genres? Where are you applying? I am applying to ASU, UCSD, UCR, CalArts, UCLA, Yale and maybe USC

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I'm applying to:

  1. Rhode Island School of Design
  2. MassArt
  3. VCU
  4. UConn
  5. Syracuse
  6. Umass:Dartmouth
  7. Umass:Amherst
  8. Boston U
  9. School of Museum of Fine Arts Boston

Also applying to these residencies:

  1. Skowhegan
  2. Vermont Studio Center
  3. Djerassi
  4. Kimmel Harding Nielson Center
  5. Sculpture Space

We'll see if I get in anywhere. Only a few more months until then! :)

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  • 3 weeks later...
I'm applying to:
  1. Rhode Island School of Design
  2. MassArt
  3. VCU
  4. UConn
  5. Syracuse
  6. Umass:Dartmouth
  7. Umass:Amherst
  8. Boston U
  9. School of Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Also applying to these residencies:
  1. Skowhegan
  2. Vermont Studio Center
  3. Djerassi
  4. Kimmel Harding Nielson Center
  5. Sculpture Space
We'll see if I get in anywhere. Only a few more months until then! :)
Really great work.
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I'm applying to:

  1. Rhode Island School of Design
  2. MassArt
  3. VCU
  4. UConn
  5. Syracuse
  6. Umass:Dartmouth
  7. Umass:Amherst
  8. Boston U
  9. School of Museum of Fine Arts Boston

Also applying to these residencies:

  1. Skowhegan
  2. Vermont Studio Center
  3. Djerassi
  4. Kimmel Harding Nielson Center
  5. Sculpture Space

We'll see if I get in anywhere. Only a few more months until then! :)

Hi there,


I'm a MA based artist too. Thought about applying to the UMASS programs but didn't end up. Wondering if you visited them and what you thought of them. I'm visiting Rutgers & Purchase on February 4th and can let you know about what they are like. I visited RISD and SMFA and loved what I saw there. RISD students were very excited and happy with the program, there was a great sense of community there. Everyone said they couldn't believe how nice each other was. They also seemed to be working very hard.


I went to SMFA right before Thanksgiving so it wasn't very crowded but everyone I spoke with seemed really pleased with the school. I love the elective based programming they have there, I'm hoping to expand into different media while at grad school so it would be perfect for me. The only downfall is that the studios are small - 9'X9'. 


Mass Art is awesome! I went there for undergrad and would have applied to the grad program but feel like that's not encouraged. Also Vermont Studio Center is absolutely amazing, I was just there in August and had the time of my life :)

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Hi there,


I'm a MA based artist too. Thought about applying to the UMASS programs but didn't end up. Wondering if you visited them and what you thought of them. I'm visiting Rutgers & Purchase on February 4th and can let you know about what they are like. I visited RISD and SMFA and loved what I saw there. RISD students were very excited and happy with the program, there was a great sense of community there. Everyone said they couldn't believe how nice each other was. They also seemed to be working very hard.


I went to SMFA right before Thanksgiving so it wasn't very crowded but everyone I spoke with seemed really pleased with the school. I love the elective based programming they have there, I'm hoping to expand into different media while at grad school so it would be perfect for me. The only downfall is that the studios are small - 9'X9'. 


Mass Art is awesome! I went there for undergrad and would have applied to the grad program but feel like that's not encouraged. Also Vermont Studio Center is absolutely amazing, I was just there in August and had the time of my life :)

I'm actually from NOLA , born and raised. Moved up here last February so I could claim in state residency. Used up my savings to move up here and try to find a job, finally found one and worked long enough to be able to quit and focus on a couple of new pieces as well as my applications. So many things I'm not used to, I feel extremely guilty for living here almost a year but I havent been to a single gallery or art opening (I did go to a Cindy Sherman Exhibit at MoMA, but nothing  in MA). Been strapped for cash so I'm just trying to spend as little as possible until April when I'll start job hunting again, I want to focus everything on preparing for my interviews.


RISD and SMFA seem amazing, I've always tried to take as many different art classes as possible, so SMFA's elective program is perfect for me. Their costs, however, makes me incredibly nervous. Have an interview with MassArt next week, hope I do well. I had a stomach flu this week and fainted, hitting my mouth and busting my lip. I know that sounds trivial, but I want to look my best for the interview. Looking my best will make me feel so much more confident!


Happily surprised to see a so many people contributing in the sculpture thread!


Edit: I still havent applied to Amherst, Syracuse, Skowhegan, or BU. Working on those today. The lack of Slideroom and having to create a compiled PDF is such a turnoff for Amherst. These other Slideroom schools are spoiling me!

Edited by ArsenicYellow
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  • 4 weeks later...

Where did all the sculptors go? Haven't heard much yet. Friend got a call yesterday for a uconn interview so its not lookig good. Was accepted into umass:Dartmouth, no word yet on funding. Got a call for umass Amherst informing me that I was waitlisted, but #1 on the list. I have an interview on march 9th for SMFA, super worried that I haven't heard back from any other school, but at least I've been accepted somewhere.

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Where did all the sculptors go? Haven't heard much yet. Friend got a call yesterday for a uconn interview so its not lookig good. Was accepted into umass:Dartmouth, no word yet on funding. Got a call for umass Amherst informing me that I was waitlisted, but #1 on the list. I have an interview on march 9th for SMFA, super worried that I haven't heard back from any other school, but at least I've been accepted somewhere.

Seriously. WHERE ARE ALL THE ANSWERS?  I just want to hear it, even if it is not good news it will put my mind to rest! 

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For the sake of anoyminity... I'm going to be a little vauge but hopefully helpful! I have heard from the following schools, mostly for interviews and a few acceptances.


UW Madison

UNC Chapel Hill


UMass Dartmouth


UC Irvine




Basically, all but VCU have instigated some communication.

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Drove my friend to his uconn interview. When I actually checked the campus out, I wasn't upset about not getting an interview. The area was way too rural for me and the campus was waaayyyy too big. On the way back, I received an acceptance email from massart with a scholarship award. 30 minutes later I received a rejection letter from risd. Oh well!

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any word from: VCU, Hunter, or UCLA (besides the one interview, which is pretty abnormal from what I understand)


No word from VCU or UCLA so far has come to me. I didn't apply to Hunter.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Got into UCLA, New Genres via interview and the follow up email. Does anyone know whether the program is well funded for out of state residents?

No word from VCU yet.



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