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Strange Email...Should I be hopeful?


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So today I received a strange email from the graduate director of my top school. In it she is telling me to apply for a Ph.D. fellowship that she thinks I am extremely competitive for. She also says that she has asked the department if she could forward references and materials for me. In addition to this she told me that if one were to get said fellowship the department will look into supplementing it and that she would be available to help me apply for it this weekend.



So my question is: Am I the only one who thinks this is a little odd? I haven't really received any word back from this school as far as acceptance or rejection. Should I allow myself to get hopeful or am I getting excited for nothing? I've already applied for this fellowship btw and let her know.



In my mind, one does not discuss supplementing income, being competitive, or offer to help during a weekend if the department thinks you're not worthy. But then again, I could be deluding myself because I want in so bad. Thoughts?

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It's good news. It means you're a strong applicant. In some fields departments will try luring strong applicants by promising them a named fellowship or better funding, and applying for those funds happens before the student is officially admitted, so it's part of the funding offer that is made with the admissions offer (and sometimes as a result the department will lose said funding, because the intended recipient rejects the offer).

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It's good news. It means you're a strong applicant. In some fields departments will try luring strong applicants by promising them a named fellowship or better funding, and applying for those funds happens before the student is officially admitted, so it's part of the funding offer that is made with the admissions offer (and sometimes as a result the department will lose said funding, because the intended recipient rejects the offer).


Fully agree... seems like a great sign and I would be hopeful if I were you. They wouldn't have gone through the effort if they didn't think it was worth it. Best of luck :-)

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