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Penn GSE


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Ahh :(. They gave me a scholarship, but fear not. On the website, it says that the GA for the Higher Ed program has its own process. I wasn't awarded a GA in my letter, but I was under the assumption that every Higher Ed person had a guaranteed assistantship/internship. Therefore, I think, at least with Higher Ed, you would get a GA. I think we just have to interview for them so we can work in the part of Higher Ed that we want. Also, they just got funding to give additional $10,000 scholarships, so maybe you might get that :).


If anyone from Higher Ed did get a GA awarded in their letter, please let me know.

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Any idea from previous years if there's a list of positions available before the weekend? 


And we're sure the interview days are 24-26?

Edited by m26
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It says 24th-26th on their website. Has anyone gotten details about these days yet? I'm trying to figure out flights and I'm pretty sure I'm going to be spending $450 just to get there... Maybe they would let us stay with current students? I'll probably email the coordinator and tell you guys what I find out.

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Oh, okay, its kind of hidden in there. I'm going to be in Boston on the 24th, so I'm probably going to miss the welcome dinner. Are we supposed to just email the address on the website?


Airbnb might be a way to save some money on accommodations. I might give it a try.

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I got an email saying there are some students who can host, but a limited number. I got a schedule and a bunch of emails, but I was accepted about two weeks ago.
How long did it take to hear from them after you were accepted? Have they sent the assistantships out yet or are they sending out later in March?
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Just to echo the others, I do not believe anyone in higher education will get a GA in their acceptance letter.  From what I understand, you begin to interview for GAs during the March preview weekend, but this process can also last a little longer if you need to do more interviews, decide to find a position on your own, etc.  Some of the GAs are paid and some are unpaid.

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It says 24th-26th on their website. Has anyone gotten details about these days yet? I'm trying to figure out flights and I'm pretty sure I'm going to be spending $450 just to get there... Maybe they would let us stay with current students? I'll probably email the coordinator and tell you guys what I find out.


Did you do any research on when we will get any more info about this?  I either am anxiously checking my email to learn more or checking my other applications in hopes they go live soon.  Congrats on your other acceptances!

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Did you do any research on when we will get any more info about this?  I either am anxiously checking my email to learn more or checking my other applications in hopes they go live soon.  Congrats on your other acceptances!


I finally emailed the coordinator, but no word yet. I received the postcards in the mail, but they had just as much information as the website. I will let you know when I hear back.


And thanks! This is so crazy. I can't believe I have the opportunity to attend such amazing schools. The first time I applied to go to graduate school, I got all rejections-- 9 of them. This time around, I was really hesitant to apply to all of these "reach" programs, but I'm really glad I gave it a shot. If anyone is reading this and thinking about applying to graduate school, definitely try some places that you think would most likely reject you. Sometimes you will be surprised :).

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Highered2013, Thanks for the info. I also received the postcards and am ready to make some travel plans. Hopefully we will hear shortly. I'm going to the brunch on Saturday in Boston so figure I'll find out more than if nothing has been sent yet. I'm also waiting on UVA, TC and HGSE. Ready to make any predictions on UVA's day for sending out info?

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Ok, I found out more info about the Penn Preview Weekend! The letter says we have until Friday to RSVP but not sure how cut and dry that is because I just found out details today...


Anyway, it seems that on Sunday the 24th, there's a dinner that starts at 6:30. Monday is all about welcoming, student panels, financial aid sessions, and a supervisor fair. Tuesday is about the GA interviews! The interviews can last all the way until 5 it seems.


Ahhh! I'm thinking about holding off flight info until I hear about HGSE on Tuesday. Really torn at this point.

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Thanks for the update, still haven't received anything but will follow up shortly. Good luck with your travel plans, lots of locations to visit. Congrats on BU, nice to keep having them come in each day. Here's hoping we don't have to wait until Friday for UVA, checking everything has been distracting for work:)

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Thanks for the update, still haven't received anything but will follow up shortly. Good luck with your travel plans, lots of locations to visit. Congrats on BU, nice to keep having them come in each day. Here's hoping we don't have to wait until Friday for UVA, checking everything has been distracting for work:)

No problem. I didn't get the info until after I emailed them so you may want to do the same. It's a pretty intense but great schedule. Thanks! Congrats to you on BU and Penn (and probably a bunch more :))! We applied to many of the same schools so let me know where your head is after you get all of your decisions back :).

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Can anyone shed light on the Penn GSE MS.Ed in Higher Ed acceptance rate? I'm thinking it's about ~20-25% based on a blog post a year or two back, but anyone have anything more concrete? I'm kind of into self-deprecating my own achievements, and I'd like to hear it's selective  :rolleyes:

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No problem. I didn't get the info until after I emailed them so you may want to do the same. It's a pretty intense but great schedule. Thanks! Congrats to you on BU and Penn (and probably a bunch more :))! We applied to many of the same schools so let me know where your head is after you get all of your decisions back :).


I just heard back from one of the grad associates and he said I should get information about the weekend today.  He also said that we wouldn't have to RSVP until March 15th so you can probably wait on responding until you hear from some others.  I will definitely keep you updated on what I'm thinking.  It will be interesting to see where we stand a week from today :).

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I know! I actually bought my flight yesterday night. One of my consulting friends who travels like crazy told me to book now or the flight would go up in price. She said 3-4 weeks is best deal. Apparently Southwest will credit the flight if you want to back out :).

I also decided that I should visit all of the schools I'm interested in: Penn, Stanford (and HGSE? Idk). Haven't told my boss yet, hehe. But after a lot of thought, I think I owe it to myself to do that. I always tell my students to visit their schools, so I figured I should follow my own advice.

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I just got the info and it is definitely a packed few days.  I think I'm definitely going to go regardless of how the next few weeks turn out.  I also want to make the best decision/fit for me.   I hope you're in the middle of the country so it's not too far for PA and CA. 


Looking forward to meeting you all!

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Looking forward to meeting you too! I am kind of middle but unfortunately pretty far south so it's going to be expensive regardless. Oh well! I'm ready to leave my home state and try something new..like potentially living in a place with snow? The idea of that still kind of boggles my mind. Anyone else thinking they would have to buy a new wardrobe for graduate school?

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A little late to the party, but I also heard back from Penn last week! It was an eerie coincidence, I got the email to check my applicant status at 12:30am after a looong day of visiting Northwestern and interviewing for assistantships there. It's almost like they knew what I was up to! :blink: I was really excited to see that I received a $13,500 scholarship as well (though no GA, but I see those are figured out during the preview days). The tuition isn't cheap, but that certainly takes a big bite out of it!


Penn is definitely one of my top choices. I want to attend preview days also, now just looking into booking the travel that will make it happen! Congrats to everyone else who was accepted! :)

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