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Considering ThD, meeting w/ director of program, what to ask?


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So I've posted a few times about how I'm considering applying for a ThM and then a ThD at the local, really excellent Div School. If I do go ahead, I will apply to the ThM for September and then work toward the ThD from there.

I'm meeting with the director of the ThD program tomorrow. I have a list of questions that I want to ask and I'm sure my list is nowhere near comprehensive.

If, in your earlier stages of discernment and planning, you had had an hour in which to speak to the program director (without trying to "sell" yourself) what would you have asked? What questions do you wish had been answered at the beginning for you?

So far I'm thinking about stuff like fit and funding and stats for the program. I'm sure there are other areas I should be thinking about.

Any suggestions would be much appreciated. Thanks.

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I'd ask for a candid answer about GRE scores unless you already have very high scores.  Some programs are notoriously cagey about this; they often state there is no cut off when there actually is a cut off score.  Job placement record is important, too.  I'd ask about job outlook for that specific program and what recent graduates are doing.    

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Concerning job placement, I'd want to see that they can readily cite specific and recent examples of placement. Anyone can start spouting off schools where they've placed (in 1996). Try to frame your question in a way that helps you see what's happened recently.


Also, I'd get the names of a couple of students at the program and see if I could get 5-10 minutes to chat face-to-face with them. As you talk to them do you get the sense that they are excited about the program? Do you get the sense that the environment is conducive to your personality (e.g. some people don't thrive well in programs that incentivize students to compete with one another)? Are they happy? Burnt out? How do they talk about their advisor/the faculty?

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ghost6 and belichick provide good questions, I'd stress meeting with current students especially - ones that the director may recommend but also stop the occasional stranger and ask them the same questions.


If at all possible, I'd recommend sitting in on a class or two (preferably non-intro courses) that you have an interest in the material or even the instructor. Way back when, I attended an admitted open house at an Episcopal seminary and sat in on a course where the Professor walked in, handed out his lecture, and then for the next hour stood in front of the class and read them. It struck me as incredibly bizarre so I asked students in the class and it turned out that it's the preferred method of instruction for nearly every Professor at the school. While I like the idea of having readily available, already written notes, that particular style of conveying the material seemed too void and, at least for that class, heavily discouraged discussion so I passed on the acceptance.


Since your goal is a ThD, I'd probably immediately ask about language requirements too. Most seem to require French and German off the bat, followed by any additional languages needed for your field. French and German are fairly easy as more and more schools have courses tailored specifically for graduate level reading proficiency and if they don't, there's always the program at Princeton that some schools will accept a grade of B or better in lieu of the actual exam.

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Thanks for the great suggestions.

I had a good meeting, very positive and informative. I'm going to go ahead with my application to the ThM. Because there's no funding and my marks are good, it seems likely that I will be taking classes in September!

Oh and I learned quite a bit about the process, scores, funding etc. I'm glad I went. Very useful.

And thanks for the language suggestion. That's something I now know I need to be competitive for the doctoral program.

Edited by Yetanotherdegree
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Thanks for the great suggestions.

I had a good meeting, very positive and informative. I'm going to go ahead with my application to the ThM. Because there's no funding and my marks are good, it seems likely that I will be taking classes in September!

Oh and I learned quite a bit about the process, scores, funding etc. I'm glad I went. Very useful.

And thanks for the language suggestion. That's something I now know I need to be competitive for the doctoral program.


You wouldn't happen to be in the Triangle, would you? If so, I can shed some light on the ThM.

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  • 2 years later...

I suspected she was near Duke too, given that just about the only ThD applicants who come here are interested in Harvard and Duke.


And Harvard no longer has a ThD :P

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