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Following up on application - good idea?

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I arranged a visit to my top school & met with the head of the department, as well as the professor I hope would be my adviser (if I got in).


They both made suggestions of things I could look into (potential adviser) or things that would be awesome to have (someone who speaks Somali).


I've followed up & done all the reading recommended and I've set up lessons for myself to start learning Somali (I want to work with adults who aren't native English speakers).


Should I reach out & send them an email letting them know I've done this?  I don't want to be pushy, but I know they are considering applications now & this is my first choice...

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You could always send a nicely worded e-mail letting them know how much you enjoyed your visit and appreciated their time. You can let them know you took their suggestions to heart and have started learning Somali.


There are plenty of ways to let them know without seeming pushy. If you do contact them, I think being sincere about their help will only make you stand out. Good luck!  :)

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I think it's really cool and impressive that you took initiative to begin learning another language. I didn't know that MN had such a sizeable Somali population (I just googled it).


It's worth a brief mention in a thank you email!

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