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Rhetoric and Composition Late Deadline Schools?

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Hello all.


Today I've made a grave mistake. I made the decision to apply to only three schools, and due to a typo on my part, I will now only be able to apply to two. I had my entire application ready, but misread my notes about when my application was actually due. GRE scores were sent. Letters of Rec were in. The deadline was the 1st, and I thought it was the 7th. 


So now that I've shamefully missed that deadline, I'm open to apply for another school with a later application deadline. 


Do any of you have any knowledge or ideas about good English/Rhet and Comp programs with an application date of February 13th or later?


Thank you,


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I was considering applying to Old Dominion for a while, and their deadline (I think) is Feb 15th. 

Are you only interested in PhD programs? Or are you considering MA programs as well?

Edited by muchado
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ABH90: Have you contacted the school where your application arrived late? Several posters in this forum have had parts of their applications come in late, and the schools still considered their app. Perhaps not all is lost?

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ABH90, first I echo the advice of proflorax above: check with the program(s) to which you intended to apply. Some are more lenient than others in accepting application materials that come in after their stated deadline.


If that does not yield good news, there are some programs accepting Ph.D. applications in Rhetoric/Composition (or related fields) whose deadlines have not passed. (I only have information on Ph.D. programs; if you are applying to M.A. programs instead or as well, you will want to investigate further.)


Georgia State University (Ph.D. in English, Rhetoric and Composition concentration) has extended their deadline to March 1, 2013.


University of Texas, El Paso (Ph.D. in Rhetoric and Composition) says: "We will begin reviewing applications on March 1st [2013]; however, we will continue to consider them after this date."


University of California, Santa Barbara (Ph.D. in Education, specialization in Language Literacy and Composition) has a deadline of April 1, 2013 (though you've missed their campus fellowship deadline).


Texas Woman's University (Ph.D. in Rhetoric) also has a deadline of April 1, 2013.


Northern Illinois University (Ph.D. in English) and Texas A&M University, Commerce (Ph.D. in English) each have rolling admissions and continue to accept applications well into the spring until their desired cohorts are filled.


Good luck to you! :)

Edited by MFAtoPhD
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University of Central Florida has a deadline of March 30th (priority is January 15th): http://www.graduatecatalog.ucf.edu/programs/program.aspx?id=10339&tid=3914&tap=1&program=English%20MA,%20Rhetoric%20and%20Composition


University of Texas at San Antonio has a deadline of July 1st  (if you want to apply for the English MA and get a certificate in Rhet/Comp): http://graduateschool.utsa.edu/graduate-admissions/graduate-school-application-deadlines/


Northeastern University has a deadline of August 1st (if you're independently funded): http://www.northeastern.edu/english/graduate/admissions/admissions-deadlines/


University of Louisiana has a deadline of June 30th: http://english.louisiana.edu/concentrations/index.shtml


Hope it works out for you! 

Edited by Gwendolyn
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