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2013 SLP Admissions Thread!

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Yeah, I'm still unnerved by the possible UVA trickle-down notification method. I will be thrilled to get in, but I may gnaw my fingers off if I don't hear anything definitive until mid-April, which has happened to applicants in the past.

To be honest, I don't even think you'll have to worry about it. Your stats are awesome, and I have a feeling you'll hear something in the first batch to go out.

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To be honest, I don't even think you'll have to worry about it. Your stats are awesome, and I have a feeling you'll hear something in the first batch to go out.


From your mouth to the adcom's ears! :wub:


I really do wish that I had more direct, relevant experience so my app were beefier. And I should've applied to GWU and a few other post-bacc programs just in case--I'm kicking myself now for not fully understanding this process until I was already in the thick of it!

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From your mouth to the adcom's ears! :wub:


I really do wish that I had more direct, relevant experience so my app were beefier. And I should've applied to GWU and a few other post-bacc programs just in case--I'm kicking myself now for not fully understanding this process until I was already in the thick of it!


If for whatever reason it doesn't go as planned, you understand it now! Applying next cycle would be a breeze. 

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Was it like, an official acceptance? Or still unofficial? Congratulations, though!


Unofficial. The email was sent at 9:50 p.m.


And thank you!

Edited by midnight streetlight
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Hmm. I wonder if that means I was rejected. 


I truly don't think it says anything about your status.


I hope you hear something soon, but especially something good from USC since I can tell you love that program!

Edited by midnight streetlight
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I truly don't think it says anything about your status.


I hope you hear something soon, but especially something good from USC since I can tell you love that program!


Do you know if your status on ApplyYourself changed at all?


And thanks!

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As long as you explained your low GPA I do not think it will be much of a problem. You have great GRE scores and the great LOR you have will help you out as well. I am an out of field Psychology major too and I think we are in a good position because having both psychology and speech pathology knowledge can be very helpful when it comes to some communication disorders like autism, tbi, and language disorders. I have heard of people majoring in economics and history that still get in to speech path. programs, so I think you should be fine. Good luck to you!


Yup, I definitely explained the low GPA in my personal statement and one of my recommenders also mentioned it in his letters. And wow, I thought my GRE scores were really low since I couldn't find any comparison as to what is "good" since a lot of info is based on the old GRE scoring system so that's a relief! Good luck to you as well!




Merci et félicitations!

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mocha - Thanks for the UNC details, it's nice to know to be expecting something soon. Congrats on your acceptance!


jmarti - I'm in the same boat as you as far as UNC...at least we know a decision is coming.


Congrats to everyone who has been accepted somewhere, and best wishes to those still waiting!

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Mystique- to my understanding colleges vary on what they consider "good" GRE scores. But from what I have seen from the schools that I looked at they want your combined v + q scores to be over 1000 when converted to the old scoring system, others want the combined score to be over 1100. Some schools don't care about the test either, as long as you get a score at or around the 50th percentile for each section. So it all just really depends but your scores compare to many of the accepted stats that I have seen posted the last few weeks so you should be fine.

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Mystique- to my understanding colleges vary on what they consider "good" GRE scores. But from what I have seen from the schools that I looked at they want your combined v + q scores to be over 1000 when converted to the old scoring system, others want the combined score to be over 1100. Some schools don't care about the test either, as long as you get a score at or around the 50th percentile for each section. So it all just really depends but your scores compare to many of the accepted stats that I have seen posted the last few weeks so you should be fine.


Ahh, I see, thanks!


I just know my overall GPA will be my achilles' heel during this process  :rolleyes:

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Hi guys, I'm new, anxiously waiting for decisions, and found this thread. Was just rejected from UNC-CH :/


Has anyone applied to SDSU, IU-Bloomington, NYU, Montclair State or TC-Columbia and know when we'll hear back from them?


My stats are mediocre compared to a lot of people here so I'm not expecting any good news in March but I'm still hoping I'll get in somewhere..


I applied to Montclair as well... and I feel like I'm in the same boat as you. My stats are not impressive compared to many of the things I am reading on here/ in the results section and I can't help but get a little down about it. Trying to stay hopeful/positive though! I am hoping that they really look at me as a whole applicant... I feel like my SOP was strong and my experience speaks to my determination etc. I haven't heard anything yet about when we will be notified


Congrats to everyone that has had good news!!

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I have a GRE question...


I have heard mixed things about how schools look at GRE scores. If you have taken the GRE multiple times, will most programs take your best score of each of the sections? Or will they just look at the most recent test date that you have sent?

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I think it depends on how the school asks you about them in the application. Most ask for the best score for verbal, quantitative and analytical, some ask for the most recent. I just officially sent both scores (I took the GREs twice) and input whatever they wanted.


Montclair isn't my top choice but it would be great if I got in. I hope we both get accepted! Good luck!

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Congrats, midnight streetlight!!!!!

I, too feel like I have learned what I needed to know about applying in the thick of the process. I wish I could have afforded to apply more places. And my 3.3 GPA... UNC told me back then to be proud of that GPA, and I was admitted into a nationally ranked school of education on those stats. And my last degree was done in 2007, so I am not as fresh as you folks who are just finishing. I guess my "great" stats no longer count. I wish I had mentioned something about that in my SOP, but it is too late now. Keeping my hope alive for everywhere else... Won't hear until probably March 15th now, so it's back to the routine of keeping myself busy!

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