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2013 SLP Admissions Thread!

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Maybe you could contact NIDCD for school suggestions? (Also, if you're staying in MD for a while, see if they have any opportunities for you to work or volunteer for them?)


Unfortunately, I am moving out of MD right after I graduate. My lease is up and I can't afford to live in this area any longer. 

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Unfortunately, I am moving out of MD right after I graduate. My lease is up and I can't afford to live in this area any longer. 


I lived in Herndon, VA, for five years, and I don't blame you for getting out of the DC/Baltimore area. It's insanely expensive, and I won't even start on the traffic and myriad other issues....


NIDCD might still be a good place to ask about schools that are involved with cochlear implant research and support.

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Just to be safe, I looked into a few schools to consider applying to next cycle. I tried to find some that had (somewhat) of an interest in cochlear implants. 


Does anyone have any info/opinions on:


University of North Carolina Greensboro

University of Texas at Dallas

University of Alabama?

 Have you looked at Nazareth college? I just did a quick google search of SLP programs with a focus on working with the D/deaf and CI population (you sparked my interest) and it came up. http://www.naz.edu/health-and-human-services/communication-sciences-disorders/graduate-program  looks interesting..... But don't give up yet you still have schools to hear from and people get off wait-lists all the time (I'm under the impression that USCs moves quite a bit) 

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 Have you looked at Nazareth college? I just did a quick google search of SLP programs with a focus on working with the D/deaf and CI population (you sparked my interest) and it came up. http://www.naz.edu/health-and-human-services/communication-sciences-disorders/graduate-program  looks interesting..... But don't give up yet you still have schools to hear from and people get off wait-lists all the time (I'm under the impression that USCs moves quite a bit) 


Oh, that looks good.


Also, not sure if these are viable options for you since they're pricey schools in an expensive city, but Northeastern and BU perform cochlear implant research.

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After reading through nearly every post on here, I've finally decided to create an account. So this is my second year applying to grad school, I've only heard back from 1 out of 6 schools, and I'm already fearing the worst. I have numerous experiences related to the field and I have no idea on how to improve my application if I don't get in this year, any suggestions?

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On 3/12/2013 at 7:50 PM, slpdream said:
Just out of curiosity, could you tell me what the requirements are in Texas for an SLPA position? I'm considering all options if I don't get accepted anywhere this year - including relocating if need be.

You need 25 observation hours and 25 clinical experience hours to apply for licensure. If you don't have the clinical hours you can find an SLP willing to supervise you for them or a job that will allow to to get your 25 hours when you start. I had 3 job offers within a week and half after applying for SLPA jobs! So it worked out well! If you need more info let me know! I'm pullin' for you to get in somewhere! :) But now that I am working as an SLPA I can't imgaine going to school with out any experience. I absolutely love it!

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Congrats to everyone who got accepted today!  Especially those of you who have been dealing with wait-list spots and rejections...I need the hope!


I was feeling okay about my two wait-list spots but just got my first rejection today and still haven't heard from another school a friend already got accepted to.  So, I'm finally starting to worry for real.  I've noticed some of you are applying for the 2nd or 3rd time and I know how competitive these programs are.  I think I've just been really convinced it's my time!  I'm almost done with a post-bacc degree in speech and hearing and have worked with children with autism for 6 years, including supervision of on-site and in home programs.  I was so glad to finally have found my field after graduating with a degree in psych in 2003 and have worked so hard to get good grades in my classes while working nearly full-time.  I have a decent background in research too (I think).  


My general issue is, I've been so focused on getting into grad school for the last 2 years that I feel like I've barely had a life.  Which is depressing on its own, and doubly so if I don't get in!  Sorry to complain, but most people in my life don't really get it, and I know you guys do!  Now that I've gotten that out, I'll try to stick to more positive posts.  :)  

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eihpos, I know that this is a small consolation, but you were waitlisted by highly competitive schools, and the California public schools are all incredibly competitive due to the sheer number of applicants (also, I believe that they give preference to in-state students).


There's still hope!

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Congrats to everyone who got accepted today!  Especially those of you who have been dealing with wait-list spots and rejections...I need the hope!


I was feeling okay about my two wait-list spots but just got my first rejection today and still haven't heard from another school a friend already got accepted to.  So, I'm finally starting to worry for real.  I've noticed some of you are applying for the 2nd or 3rd time and I know how competitive these programs are.  I think I've just been really convinced it's my time!  I'm almost done with a post-bacc degree in speech and hearing and have worked with children with autism for 6 years, including supervision of on-site and in home programs.  I was so glad to finally have found my field after graduating with a degree in psych in 2003 and have worked so hard to get good grades in my classes while working nearly full-time.  I have a decent background in research too (I think).  


My general issue is, I've been so focused on getting into grad school for the last 2 years that I feel like I've barely had a life.  Which is depressing on its own, and doubly so if I don't get in!  Sorry to complain, but most people in my life don't really get it, and I know you guys do!  Now that I've gotten that out, I'll try to stick to more positive posts.  


 You still have a lot of schools to hear from so I wouldn't worry too much. The CalStates are a tough ticket given the number of students who want to stay in CA and pay in state tuition (plus they are financially a bit of a mess so that affects the application process/cohort sizes etc). UWs wait-list has, in the past moved pretty quickly (especially the Med program due to its cost). I think it was last year (maybe the last two years) that PSU was able to admit a large class size so they may do that again. But really don't let the CSULB rejection get you down, despite the low rankings of the CSUs they are some of the hardest schools in the country to get into. 




After reading through nearly every post on here, I've finally decided to create an account. So this is my second year applying to grad school, I've only heard back from 1 out of 6 schools, and I'm already fearing the worst. I have numerous experiences related to the field and I have no idea on how to improve my application if I don't get in this year, any suggestions?

Welcome lurker! Bored (or rather insomniac) graduate student here. You still have FIVE schools to hear back from! Don't fear the worst yet. As for improving your application (which may be moot as you have FIVE schools yet to hear from), can you give us a bit of your background? You say you have experiences but what are they? Is your academic background SLP? Best of luck and don't give up hope yet. 

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To all of the people who got wait-listed and rejected: Don't lose hope yet! There are so many schools to still hear from for all of you. It isn't even the magical 15th of March yet!


I'm really reconsidering that maybe the loans for NYU will be worth it to attend after seeing so many people here who have applied multiple times. It's honestly making me panic that if I give up NYU and try again next year, I won't get in anywhere at all. I can't imagine I'll be lucky enough again.

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jmarti,  I am highly considering UT - Dallas.  I am going down to visit in a couple weeks, and would be happy to share with you all that I find out when I visit!  My research that I've done so far basically includes looking at their website, ASHA, etc. and also I have heard great things about it from people in the area I live.  I am hoping I will be able to share a lot more information with you in a couple weeks!  Keep your head up!!!  

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Welcome lurker! Bored (or rather insomniac) graduate student here. You still have FIVE schools to hear back from! Don't fear the worst yet. As for improving your application (which may be moot as you have FIVE schools yet to hear from), can you give us a bit of your background? You say you have experiences but what are they? Is your academic background SLP? Best of luck and don't give up hope yet.

I've been working as a rehab tech since June and I work with children with autism. I've previously tutored students in math and reading, worked with people with disabilities, and was president of NSSLHA during my undergrad senior year. I know I still have 5 to hear back from but last year I was on 3 waitlists and never got off any of them.

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Everyone in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex would jump for a spot at UT-Dallas! I have a few friends there and they love the program and they have a lot of research oppurtunities as well as clinical. The Callier center is amazing! :)

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You need 25 observation hours and 25 clinical experience hours to apply for licensure. If you don't have the clinical hours you can find an SLP willing to supervise you for them or a job that will allow to to get your 25 hours when you start. I had 3 job offers within a week and half after applying for SLPA jobs! So it worked out well! If you need more info let me know! I'm pullin' for you to get in somewhere! :) But now that I am working as an SLPA I can't imgaine going to school with out any experience. I absolutely love it!


Thank you!  I still have seven schools to hear from and while I am hoping for good news, I am trying to remind myself that everything will work out as it should. I am glad you've enjoyed your experience but I hope you get some great news this year too!


Seems as though more people have gotten acceptances since I've last been on - congrats to all of you! And for those of you still waiting (as I am), I am sending good thoughts your way :).

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To all of the people who got wait-listed and rejected: Don't lose hope yet! There are so many schools to still hear from for all of you. It isn't even the magical 15th of March yet!


I'm really reconsidering that maybe the loans for NYU will be worth it to attend after seeing so many people here who have applied multiple times. It's honestly making me panic that if I give up NYU and try again next year, I won't get in anywhere at all. I can't imagine I'll be lucky enough again.

I think I'm missing something. What is magical about the 15th of March?

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Can someone please freak out about Columbia with me?


I'm freaking out about TC too, I thought they would start getting back to us by now. You shouldn't worry though, it'll probably be another acceptance for you!

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Everyone in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex would jump for a spot at UT-Dallas! I have a few friends there and they love the program and they have a lot of research oppurtunities as well as clinical. The Callier center is amazing! :)


This is so great to hear!  I have heard so many things about it from SLPs in the area I live in (Oklahoma!), and I am happy to hear that students love it - I don't know any actual STUDENTS there, so that's a relief to hear.  I am really excited to go visit the Callier Center in a couple weeks!!  Good luck to you with your remaining schools!  Glad to have a Texan in here - I am an honorary Texan (went to UT-Austin for undergrad and looooove it down there!)

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jmarti, have you received a reply from USC about the wait list? a reply as in "yes we got your email thnx ok bye"?

Nope, although judging from past years, they do not send a confirmation email.

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I think I'm missing something. What is magical about the 15th of March?


It's the date that most schools recognize as "mid-March" and start getting back to you if that's what they stated as their notification of decision period.

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Oh, and today during one of my classes, a girl was notified that she was accepted to a school. She cried so many happy tears, since she had very low stats and was not expecting much.


Very exciting! We were all so happy for her. Someone should definitely be there to release balloons and confetti when you get happy news.  :P

I could not agree more on the balloon part... maybe they should show up at your door Publisher's Clearing House style with a comically large acceptance letter?

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jmarti, I am highly considering UT - Dallas. I am going down to visit in a couple weeks, and would be happy to share with you all that I find out when I visit! My research that I've done so far basically includes looking at their website, ASHA, etc. and also I have heard great things about it from people in the area I live. I am hoping I will be able to share a lot more information with you in a couple weeks! Keep your head up!!!

Yes, please let me know!! They have a research focus in my area of desired specialty, and Spring admission, so I really am looking into it! I've never been to Texas, so any bit of info helps me out.

Judging from ASHA and edfind, it seemed like it was pretty average in terms of competitiveness (3.6ish?). Does this seem accurate?

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